ODU Network Policies & Procedures

The following policies and procedures explain the password requirements, acceptable network usage, laptop usage, and email communication while attending ODU.


Members of the Ohio Dominican University community are eligible to use the university resources. Participants who access electronic services are required to observe all federal, state and local laws as well as university policies regarding the acquisition and dissemination of information and to be responsible for all activities conducted through their personal account.

Individuals who abuse these laws and policies may have their privileges revoked and be subjected to university discipline and/or criminal prosecution. The availability of information does not imply university endorsement.


Ohio Dominican University is committed to supporting teaching, learning and research through the legal use of copyrighted materials. All uses of intellectual property, in any format, are governed by the US Copyright Law (Title 17, United States Code), the copyright laws of other countries, by licensing arrangements and by contract. Any use or reproduction of materials must comply with the provision of the law and accepted guidelines of the University (see ODU Student Handbook).


Ohio Dominican University policy regarding harassment applies to the use of ODU resources. Users should be aware that they are members of a community with a shared set of rights and responsibilities that include a concern for the feelings of others, especially in public places. Ignoring the expressed objections of others' discomfort regarding one's use of these resources may open one up to charges of harassment (see ODU Student Handbook).


The primary purpose for the Ohio Dominican University email and web mail systems is for the business of the University; the business of teaching, research and the administrative functions that support this mission. While the University encourages the use of the University email services to share information, to improve communication and to exchange ideas, all emailing must adhere to University policies.

These policies prohibit the use of institutional distribution lists for mass mailings of any personal or non-University related commercial content. The University recognizes that principles of academic freedom, freedom of speech, and privacy of information hold important implications for email and email services. ODU Policy reflects these firmly-held principles within the context of the University's legal and other obligations.


Users of the Ohio Dominican University resources are encouraged to use these materials fully and completely, yet wisely in their pursuit of learning. Users are cautioned to pay particular attention to Ohio Dominican University's policies regarding copyright infringement, academic honesty, and plagiarism.

Violations of these policies may result in serious sanctions (see ODU Student Handbook).

Security & Privacy

All users of Ohio Dominican University resources, including users of the Ohio Dominican University computer network, must comply with the ethical and legal considerations for privacy as defined in the "Counterfeit Access Device and Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984," the "Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986," and all other such laws which address the use of electronic data, materials, and equipment. It is the responsibility of the user to be well informed about all such legal considerations.Users should be aware that the Ohio Dominican University network and the relevant computers are the property of Ohio Dominican University. The university employs various measures to protect the security of its computing resources and of their users' accounts. Users should be aware, however, that the university cannot guarantee such security.Ohio Dominican University provides a network account (User ID) for access to electronic resources. This account is the sole responsibility of the individual to whom it was granted. Users should therefore engage in "safe computing" practices by establishing appropriate access restrictions for their User ID, guarding their passwords, and changing them regularly. User IDs are not transferrable and should not be shared with other individuals.Users should be aware that their uses of university computing resources are not completely private. While the university does not routinely monitor individual usage of its computing resources, the normal operation and maintenance of the university's computing resources require backup and caching of data and communications, the logging of activity, the monitoring of general usage patterns, and other such activities that are necessary for the rendition of service.The University may also specifically monitor the activity and accounts of individual users of university computing resources, including individual login sessions and communications, without notice, when

(a) the user has voluntarily made them accessible to the public, as by posting to the Internet;

(b) it reasonably appears necessary to do so to protect the integrity, security or functionality of university or other computing resources or to protect the university from liability;

(c) there is a reasonable cause to believe that the user has violated, or is violating university Policy;

(d) an account appears to be engaged in unusual or unusually excessive activity, as indicated by the monitoring of general activity and usage patterns; or

(e) it is otherwise required or permitted by law.

Any such individual monitoring other than specified in "(a)", required by law, or necessary to respond to perceived emergency situations, must be authorized in advance by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, or his or her designee. The university, in its discretion, may disclose the results of any such general or individual monitoring, including the contents and records of individual communications, to appropriate university personnel or law enforcement agencies and may use those results in appropriate disciplinary proceedings.Users acknowledge that the university owns the Ohio Dominican University Network and by using it, users expressly consent to the types of monitoring and access listed above.


Ohio Dominican University advocates behavioral expectations that center on respect. Individuals are expected to act with respect and understand and follow our community policies or specific policies that may govern a specific area.

Community laws and campus policies define consequences for acts of vandalism, the willful malicious defacement or destruction of public or private property. 

To ensure that your personal information stays safe, ODU requires the following password requirements:

  • Password cannot contain your ODU username
  • Must be at least ten characters in length
  • Must contain characters from three of the following four categories:
    • English uppercase characters (A through Z)
    • English lowercase characters (a through z)
    • Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
    • Non-alphabetic characters (For example, !, $, #, %)
  • All passwords expire after 120 days
  • Cannot use any of the previous 3 passwords

If you have any questions regarding these requirements, or any other technology questions, please feel free to contact the ODU Computer Helpdesk by calling 614-253-3633 or by email at helpdesk@ohiodominican.edu.


Laptop computers provide important functionality for specific purposes, allowing Ohio Dominican University faculty and staff to have a computing resource at hand in meetings/classes, enabling those who travel on University business to be maximally functional and productive while away, and those who occasionally work at home to eliminate duplication of resources, files, etc. Along with the privilege of using University owned laptop computers comes additional responsibility to safeguard them from potential theft or damage. If a laptop is stolen or lost there are additional security implications for any data that might have been stored on that laptop as well. This policy addresses actions that must be taken in order to minimize the risk of the theft of University-owned laptops and the associated costs to the University Community.

All University-owned laptops are governed by this policy including systems made available as primary workstations, checked out through the IT department, assigned within a departmental office, or purchased through grant dollars for specific projects. The purpose of this policy is to govern the use and liability of University-owned laptop equipment. This policy should be read and thoroughly understood prior to acquiring and using laptop equipment.



This policy is applicable to all current University staff, faculty, or administrators, and students who are using laptops loaned to them by a University department. University-owned laptops are for university use only and may not be used for personal projects or entertainment. University-owned laptops may be used for the following work-related purposes, including but not limited to:

  • Using the laptop as the primary workstation computer on campus.
  • Using the laptop on a university trip, such as to a conference, workshop, etc.
  • Using the laptop to make a presentation on or off campus.
  • Using the laptop for any other work related task.



  • All users are personally responsible for the security and safety of their assigned laptop and will be fully liable if stolen, lost, destroyed or not returned.
  • All users will be required to reimburse the University for the full replacement cost of the laptop if it is stolen, lost, destroyed or not returned. The replacement cost will be determined by the Information Services Department at the time of the loss. Payments will be made directly to the University and may be by personal check or credit card.
  • Laptops stolen or destroyed while on University property will be covered by the University insurance policy unless the user has not taken due diligence to follow the recommendations for physical protection and reasonable care of the unit, or has not followed the procedure for reporting the loss.
  • All users are personally responsible for full repair or replacement cost if the laptop is damaged or made inoperable by misuse or neglect.
  • Departments that have loaned departmental laptops to students or student organizations for use will be liable for the replacement cost of the unit should it become stolen, lost, or damaged while in the students possession, or is or not returned.
  • Failure to follow this policy and these procedures may result in loss of computer privileges and/or other disciplinary actions
  • Failure to return the laptop or pay for loss or damages may result in legal action.



    • Each user of a University-owned laptop is responsible for the security of that laptop, regardless of whether the laptop is used in the office, at one's place of residence, or in any other location such as a hotel, conference room, car or airport. Users are expected to provide reasonable care and effort to protect the laptop.
    • The equipment may not be transported as checked luggage on public transportation (airplanes, trains, and buses). The user will keep the equipment in their possession at all times while traveling.
    • Carrying cases and laptops should be labeled accordingly so in the event of a loss the equipment might be returned. All laptops must have a University-provided STOP tag and warning label installed on the top of the unit.
    • Special care should be taken with the security of the laptop. Equipment must not be left unattended in public areas. Do not leave your office unlocked, even for a brief time, if your laptop is not secured in the office.
    • Do not store laptops in a locked car or car trunk, as severe temperatures may damage it, and the car may be broken into if the laptop can be seen.
    • Do not download, store or record data that includes any personally identifiable information such as: student/faculty /staff/alumni/vendor Name, Address, SSN, account number, credit card number, etc. which if lost or stolen could be used for Identity theft. The user is responsible for the security of all ODU data stored on, or carried with, the laptop.
    • The user is responsible to make sure that virus protection updates, operating system updates and virus scans are performed regularly.
    • Do not alter any system software or hardware configuration unless instructed to do so by someone from the Information Services Department.
    • Additional application software should not be loaded onto the laptop unless approved by the Information Services Department.
    • Safe guard the device and data by ensuring the laptop is “locked” or the user is logged off when not in use.
    • Upon resignation, the laptop, all peripherals, and carrying case need to be returned to the Computer Helpdesk in the IT department on the last day of work.
    • Do not give the laptop to anyone else for use. Doing so will be considered misuse of the equipment.
    • Employees who have taken administrative leave must have prior approval from the IT Department, HR and their immediate supervisor before taking a laptop while on leave.
    • Faculty members who will be on sabbatical must have approval from the IT Department or President before taking laptop with them on sabbatical.
    • Report a theft immediately to the appropriate local law enforcement authority (Campus Security on campus) and Information Services (Computer Helpdesk 614.253.3633, or 888.251.0773 when out of the local area) as soon as the theft has been noticed. Provide IS with a copy of the police report.

Email is considered an official means of communication at Ohio Dominican University (ODU).

  • All students, faculty and staff will have an assigned ODU email account (ex. username@ohiodominican.edu).
  • Individuals will be considered to be duly informed and in receipt of notifications and correspondences sent by a University administrator, staff, or faculty delivered to an employee's or student's University email account.
  • Accessing University-assigned email accounts only for official information is not optional - all users are responsible for the consequences of not reading University-related communications sent to their Ohio Dominican University email account in a timely fashion.
  • If one chooses, official ODU email may be directed to another email account; however, the University is not responsible for delivery problems of email to non-official email accounts or unofficial servers.
  • All users are responsible for managing their ODU disk quota such that there is room for new mail to arrive and for forwarding their ODU email account to a functioning alternative email address.
  • Having email lost because of forwarding does not absolve a student or employee from the responsibilities associated with communication sent to his or her official email address.
More information on the ODU Email Policy can be found in the ODU Student Handbook.

ODU's Social Media Policy ensures that our students, faculty, staff and community understand how ODU uses social media accounts to represent the university, provide guidelines for those who post to social media on behalf of ODU, and to assist faculty, staff and students in making responsible decisions about the use of their social media and how it impacts ODU.

View Policy

For questions about the social media policy, please contact the office of Marketing & Public Relations.