Keeping ODU Safe

Keep Ohio Dominican University safe by being aware and reporting any activity that has a negative impact on our university. ODU’s Compliance Hotline gives you a convenient, secure and anonymous way to report suspected illegal or unethical activity.

Submit a Report Online

Why Offer a Compliance Hotline?

Ohio Dominican University’s greatest assets are its faculty and staff. One of the major reasons why is because you help us be the best university possible by identifying potential issues and concerns, and bringing them to the attention of University leadership. Your reporting allows Ohio Dominican to take steps to address those concerns, which helps to improve the University overall.

Unfortunately, there are times when our employees encounter a situation or information which they do not feel comfortable sharing publicly or privately. These situations may involve theft, or other unethical or illegal acts, all of which have the potential of costing Ohio Dominican significantly each year.

Because of this, we have subscribed to a service that will allow you to relay this critical information 100% anonymously. The information outlined below will hopefully answer any questions you may have so you’ll be equipped with the information you need to help us stop any wrongdoing that could negatively impact Ohio Dominican.

Do your part to protect Ohio Dominican University.

Behavior such as theft, fraud and unethical behavior hurts us all. To keep Ohio Dominican safe, and to help reduce company losses, it takes each individual being willing to report occurrences such as:

  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Confidential or proprietary information
  • Internal accounting controls & procedures
  • Auditing matters
  • Fraud

Questions & Answers

How do we know the compliance hotline is anonymous?

We have contracted for this service through Security Voice, an outside firm that does not have any financial or other ties to Ohio Dominican University.

How does it work?

An 800 number has been assigned to Ohio Dominican. Simply call the number on a touch-tone phone and you will be automatically instructed on how to leave your information. You will be reminded not to include your name or any other additional information that may identify you, unless you want to be identified. After the instructions are provided, you may record your information.

What type of information should be reported?

You should report any information that could negatively impact Ohio Dominican. Some examples include questionable accounting, internal accounting controls, auditing matters, or violations of ODU’s Code of Business.

What happens next?

Security Voice will transcribe your message and send it to us. The only person who will hear your voice is that one person from Security Voice, who will transcribe your message.

Can my call be traced?

No. You may call this number from a home, mobile or pay telephone. We prefer that you do not call this number during the work day so other employees do not overhear your message.

How will I know the status of my report?

You will be provided a case number and asked to call back in three business days. A recording will tell you whether further information is needed. If there are no additional questions, this could mean that we feel that we have adequate information to proceed, or it could mean that the matter has been fully investigated.

What if I prefer to speak with someone immediately?

By selecting option ‘3’ when prompted, you will be transferred to a professional interviewer. This service is available 24/7.

Can I use the Internet for reporting?

Yes. Simply visit and make your report. Your email address will not be shared with Ohio Dominican, assuring your anonymity.

Have general questions? Contact Us.

ODU Office of Public Safety