
Ohio Dominican University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and is approved by the Ohio Department of Higher Education. 

Contact the HLC at 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL, 60604-1411, 800-621-7440,
Ohio Dominican University also holds accreditation for individual programs as detailed below.

The Anesthesiologist Assistant Studies graduate program at Ohio Dominican University is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) upon the recommendation of the Accreditation Review Committee for the Anesthesiologist Assistant (ARC-AA). Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) 9355 - 113th St. N, # 7709, Seminole, FL 33775-7709, 727-210-2350, ( The program will be reviewed by ARC-AA for reaccreditation by CAAHEP no later than 2027.

ODU's Anesthesiologist Assistant Studies Program has received approval from the Ohio Department of Higher Education and the Higher Learning Commission.

ACBSP Accredited LogoODU's Accounting (BS), Business Administration (BS), Finance (BS), Risk Management & Insurance (BS) and MBA programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs. (ACBSP). 


Ohio Dominican University’s educator preparation programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). All of Ohio Dominican teacher licensure programs are accredited until Spring 2030:

Primary Education
Middle Childhood
Intervention Specialist
Integrated Mathematics
Integrated Language Arts
Integrated Social Studies
Life Science Education
Chemistry Education
Art Education
Integrated Science Education
Educational Leadership

Visit the Ohio Educator Performance Reports website and click on Ohio Dominican University. You can find Ohio Dominican’s most recent EPP Performance Report here (PDF) as well as reports by specific program areas.

Read Ohio Dominican’s most recent Title II Report (PDF)

Ohio Dominican will seek accreditation again starting in 2022 from the new accrediting body, The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). Read CAEP Annual Reporting Measures (PDF).

The Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA) has granted Accreditation-Continued status to the Ohio Dominican University Physician Assistant Program sponsored by Ohio Dominican University. Accreditation-Continued is an accreditation status granted when a currently accredited program is in compliance with the ARC-PA Standards.

Accreditation remains in effect until the program closes or withdraws from the accreditation process or until accreditation is withdrawn for failure to comply with the Standards. The approximate date for the next validation review of the program by the ARC-PA will be September 2025. The review date is contingent upon continued compliance with the Accreditation Standards and ARC-PA policy.

ODU's baccalaureate Social Work Program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education’s (CSWE) Commission on Accreditation. 



Academic Assessment

The Academic Assessment Committee is charged with proposing policy on academic assessment and facilitating the process of assessment for all programs. Read more on ODU's Academic Assessment page.

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Questions? Contact Us
Dawn Wallace-Pascoe, Ph.D.
Director of Assessment, and Institutional Data and Research

 (614) 251-4714