Safety, Security & Crime Statistics

Ohio Dominican University provides this information in order to comply with federal law 20 U.S.C. 1092(f) the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998. 

This law requires ODU to publish safety and security policies and certain crime statistics. The report is available to the campus community on this webpage. Copies of the report are also available upon request at the ODU Public Safety Office during normal business hours. 

By federal mandate, the information is compiled and submitted to the Department Of Education by October 1 of each year.

Each year, Ohio Dominican University publishes a security and fire safety guide, which provides a wealth of information about our many safety programs and activities.

View ODU's Incident Reports by Day.

View Incident Reports

View ODU's Incident Reports by Day.

View Incident Reports

View the Franklin County Sheriff's Office Sexual Predator Database.
View Database

Collin’s Law (Ohio Revised Code § 3345.19(D)(1)) requires institutions in Ohio to report any reported hazing incidents that have occurred on campus. From this information, institutions are required to publicly post specific information related to hazing on two occasions throughout the year: Jan. 1, and Aug. 1. This ongoing report should include the name of the subject of the report; the date when the subject of the report was charged with a violation of the institution’s policy or other state law regarding hazing; a general description of the violation, and any investigation and findings by the institution, and any penalties imposed on the subject of the report; and the date on which the matter was resolved.
No reported incidents for Aug. 1, 2023 – Jan. 1, 2024.