Account Setup Guide

Welcome to Ohio Dominican University! This guide will assist you with accessing your ODU account for the first time.

To access your ODU email using text messages, you'll follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Quick Links in the top-right corner
  3. Select Email
  4. You'll enter your ODU email ( and the password you were provided
  5. You will be prompted to enter in your cell phone number to receive a six-digit code in a text message
  6. Once you receive the six-digit code, you'll enter it before clicking Continue
  7. After clicking Continue, you will see emails sitting in your Inbox

To access your ODU email using the Microsoft Authenticator app, you'll follow these steps:

  1. Go to either the Google Play Store or the App Store and search "Microsoft Authenticator"
  2. You will download the app that has a lock with a person inside it
  3. Once it has been downloaded, open the app
  4. In the top-right corner, tap the plus sign and select "Add Account"
  5. You'll be prompted to choose an account type and you'll select the "Work or school account" option
  6. Select the "Sign In" option when prompted
  7. You'll enter your ODU email ( and the password you were provided
  8. You will be prompted to enter in your cell phone number to receive a six-digit code in a text message. This is only required for the setup of the Authenticator App
  9. Once you receive the six-digit code, you'll enter it before clicking Continue
  10. You will then be prompted to secure your account. Go ahead and tap on the "Continue" button
  11. Once you're account has been added, you can tap "Done"
  12. Go to
  13. Click on Quick Links in the top-right corner
  14. Select Email
  15. You'll enter your ODU email ( and the password you were provided
  16. You will see a two-digit number appear in the browser, which you will enter after receiving a notification on your phone
  17. The page will load following the two-digit verification, allowing you to see emails sitting in your Inbox

To reset your ODU account's password using text messages, which allows you to log into your email, ODU Online, Self-Service, and PantherLearn, using the following steps:

  1. Click on the following link:
  2. You'll enter your ODU email ( and the password you were provided
  3. You will be prompted to send a six-digit code to your phone via text
  4. Once you have received the code and entered it, you will see a prompt for entering in your current password, new password, and to confirm the new password
  5. Once you have entered in your new password that you created using the password requirements that are found on the Network Policies and Procedures page, you'll click on Submit to complete the password reset

To reset your ODU account's password using the Microsoft Authenticator App, which allows you to log into your email, ODU Online, Self-Service, and PantherLearn, using the following steps:

  1. Go to either the Google Play Store or the App Store and search "Microsoft Authenticator" if you don't already have it installed. If you already have the Authenticator app installed, please continue from Step 11
  2. You will download the app that has a lock with a person inside it
  3. Once it has been downloaded, open the app
  4. In the top-right corner, tap the plus sign and select "Add Account"
  5. You'll be prompted to choose an account type and you'll select the "Work or school account" option
  6. Select the "Sign In" option when prompted
  7. You'll enter your ODU email ( and the password you were provided
  8. You will be prompted to enter in your cell phone number to receive a six-digit code in a text message. This is only required for the setup of the Authenticator App
  9. Once you receive the six-digit code, you'll enter it before clicking Continue
  10. You will then be prompted to secure your account. Go ahead and tap on the "Continue" button
  11. Click on the following link:
  12. You'll enter your ODU email ( and the password you were provided
  13. You will be prompted to send a six-digit code to your phone via text
  14. Once you have received the code and entered it, you will see a prompt for entering in your current password, new password, and to confirm the new password
  15. Once you have entered in your new password that you created using the password requirements that are found on the Network Policies and Procedures page, you'll click on Submit to complete the password reset

To access ODU Online, you'll follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Quick Links in the top-right corner
  3. Select ODU Online
  4. Click "Login" in the top-right corner
  5. Enter in your ODU username (without the and password
  6. Click Submit
  7. You have successfully logged into ODU Online

To access ODU Self-Service, you'll follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Quick Links in the top-right corner
  3. Select ODU Self-Service
  4. Enter in your ODU username (without the and password
  5. Click Submit
  6. You have successfully logged into ODU Self-Service

To access PantherLearn, you'll follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Quick Links in the top-right corner
  3. Select PantherLearn
  4. Enter in your ODU username (without the and password
  5. Click Submit
  6. You have successfully logged into PantherLearn

Does ODU offer any discounts on computers and software?Discounts can be found at the following link under the General Questions:

What software do I need?
In order to connect to the ODU network, every personal computer on campus is required to have virus protection and the latest security updates. Microsoft Office is the campus standard for productivity software.  Microsoft Office 365 is available to students for free through their emails. The following will take you to our Help Guides to install Microsoft Office 365:

Should I buy a laptop or a desktop?
This is a personal preference. Many students do prefer laptops to desktops because of the flexibility. In addition, if the student needs help with their system, they are able to bring it to the Helpdesk on the second floor in Spangler Library and receive free support.

Do I need to buy a printer?
This is a personal preference. There is printing available in the Residence Halls, Spangler Library and in the technology classrooms. ODU utilizes PaperCut software and each student receives a 500 page print quota each semester. You can read more about PaperCut below.

What is PaperCut?
ODU utilizes PaperCut to reduce environmental impact from paper waste. The software monitors the number of pages printed to public printers on campus. At the beginning of each semester, PaperCut allows you enough credit to print 500 pages.  Any page after 500 must be paid for prior to printing.  You can add money to your PaperCut account in the Business Office (Erskine 133).

What is the $25.00 on my screen when I log onto an ODU Computer?
Each semester your PaperCut account resets to a $25.00 credit. Each page printed costs .05 cents and will be deducted from your PaperCut account. There are no additional costs unless you exceed the $25.00 credit.

For more FAQ’s Visit:

If you need additional assistance, please contact the ODU Computer Helpdesk.