Transition Points for the Advanced Programs Criteria / Assessments Systems/Policies to implement the criteria
Acceptance Completion of a baccalaureate degree with a GPA of 3.0 or higher; submit a written essay, a copy of their current teaching license/certificate (for M.Ed. only), and three recommendations; and complete and submit application forms. For M.Ed. in Educational Leadership, candidates submit a Letter of Recommendation from their Superintendent or Principal of their school and also they must interview with the M.Ed. Graduate Program Director and faculty. The Graduate Admission office (Ohio Dominican University) and Graduate Program Director in the Education Division work closely for this phase. Application materials submitted to the Graduate Admission office are reviewed by Graduate Program Director and a faculty member.

Upon acceptance, candidates are required to purchase TK20 that they utilize for key assessments throughout their program. TK20 fee is included in the tuition and fees for Graduate Program.
Admissions to Internship Transition to the internship/practicum is based upon successful completion of required coursework, key assessments and maintenance of a 3.0 GPA. Registrar's office sends out candidates' course grades to their graduate program advisor. For candidates' continuous success, those who received lower course grades (below B-) are advised to address their issues and factors influencing their course performances. If their overall GPA is lower than 3.0, specific courses that caused lowering of her/his overall GPA are identified, and guided for course selections for the upcoming semester (e.g., retake the specific course).

Minimum GPAs are hard-coded in ODU Online Registration system, which allows only those who meet the requirement are able to register for their internship/practicum.
Program Completion TESOL candidates are required to complete edTPA successfully, in addition to successful performance demonstrated by ratings in field evaluations and disposition rubric during their student teaching: Candidate must score 40 or higher in edTPA (national scoring). Candidates for M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction are required to complete Program Completion portfolio. The portfolio criteria is aligned with Ohio Standards for Teaching Profession, and candidates must achieve Acceptable or higher in each standard section/criteria. Candidates for M.Ed. in Educational Leadership are required to complete Instructional Leadership Practicums, and they are required to achieve Acceptable or higher in all criteria for Practicum performance assessment (EDU 599A, B, C and D). For TESOLcandidates whose edTPA score falls below 40, mediation processes are same as those for Initial Licensure (Refer to the Initial Licensure Transition Points and Policies).

Failure to meet the criteria for requires the candidate repeat the Practicums, or if it is one criterion not met, the candidate is asked to rework on that particular aspect until it is deemed acceptable. When the failure occurs, Graduate Program Director in the Division of Education meets with the candidate to discuss their performance and support their reflection on future plans.
Exit To apply for licensure candidates must meet university requirements (course completion/GPAs) and must receive passing scores on licensure exams (Praxis II / OAE). In addition they complete the required application for licensure including BCII clearance, and pay the licensure fee. Minimum GPAs are hard-coded in ODU Online, which allows only those who meet the requirement are able to graduate / complete the program. The Education Division office collaborates with the Registrar's Office to verify candidates' completion of all requirements for their licensure. The Education Division office sends candidates' OAE scores to Registrar's Office. A designated personnel in Registrar's office audits/verifies candidates' program completion and OAE scores, and sends their applications to Ohio Department of Education.