Your Global Classroom

Ohio Dominican students have been all over the world and now it's your turn. With trips throughout the year, there is something for every budget and schedule.

Traveler Information

Ohio Dominican wants to make sure you take the best precautions for your safety while traveling abroad.

  • Leave a copy of your proposed itinerary with your family so they can contact you in case of an emergency.
  • Photocopy all essential documents and leave copies at home.
  • Write down passport, traveler’s check and credit card numbers, and keep them separate from your wallet.
  • Never leave your luggage unattended.
  • Your contact information should be labeled on each piece of luggage.
  • Carry traveler’s checks or a bank debit card instead of cash.
  • Learn key phrases in the local language so you can ask for help or assistance when you need it.


Returning Student Information

Welcome back! Let us help you transition back into life at ODU. If you have any questions or concerns, please come see us in the International Office or contact us at

After you have returned from your study abroad program you should complete the Student Evaluation Form. This evaluation will help our office advise students, and future students select the appropriate program of their choice.

This is also an opportunity for you to share your thoughts and possibly provide us with recommendations to better serve our students. The International Office will email you the link to complete this evaluation.

Make sure you have requested an official transcript from your study abroad institution to be sent directly to the Registrar’s Office at ODU. The Registrar’s Office will then evaluate your transcript and post your transfer credit on your ODU transcript.

Grades will appear on your ODU transcript and will be calculated into your cumulative grade point average. The Business Office will send you a bill for this credit when we receive your transcript.

For information regarding housing arrangements upon your return to campus, see the Residence Life Office prior to your departure from campus.

 Just as living abroad requires you to make some adjustments, so does coming home. For some students, this may be the most difficult phase of all.

By this time you have new knowledge and attitudes, and you may have changed intellectually and personally. You may find difficult to find people who understand your new perspective. The following tips may help you re-adjust:

  • Try to find other students who have studied abroad or meet new international students.
  • Think about how you have changed and what is now important to you.
  • Be patient with your friends and family; they are trying to understand your experience abroad.
  • If you have some negative feelings about your culture, it’s normal. You are now viewing your culture from a different perspective.

Find some ways to keep the “international” aspect in your life:

  • Volunteer to assist the International Office in study abroad orientations for students going to the country you visited.
  • Get to know the international students on campus.
  • Consider adding a minor in international business.
  • Read online newspapers from your host country.
  • Consider how you can use your international experience in your academics or future career.
  • Start planning how you might go abroad again, either through personal travel, work/volunteer, or internship.

If you are experiencing any emotional stress or are having a difficult time readjusting, please contact Counseling Services at (614) 251-4589.


ODU Haiti Service Mission Trip

Ohio Dominican University students share their experiences during ODU's Spring Break service mission trip to Haiti in 2016.

Previous Trips: Read the Blogs 

May Term 2019: Guatemala

Dr. Julie Hart led another inspiring trip for her course on Poverty and Development. Students traveled to both urban and rural parts of the country to meet with non-profits and see grassroots development efforts in action.
Visit Trip Blog

Summer Term 2014: Guatemala
Ten ODU students and two faculty members are spending part of their summer break in Guatemala. This study abroad trip  follows their spring term course on Poverty and Development. They are being led by Dr. Julie Hart with Dr. Manuel Martinez accompanying them as a facilitator, translator and program coordinator.
Spring Break 2014: Florence & Venice
Ohio Dominican students traveled to Florence and Venice during Spring Break to study art, architecture and public spaces. The group experienced life in Italy while visiting historic sites and taking day trips to both Siena and Pisa.
May Term 2014: Rome
Students traveled to Rome to study the history of public spaces. They stayed in Rome and visited sites all over the historic center and enjoyed local day trips. The trip was part of their course on Architectural & Cultural History of Public Spaces.
Summer 2013: Costa Rica
ODU Students spent just over two weeks in Costa Rica, volunteering at a local school, Green Valley in Atenas Costa Rica. They  also explored other parts of Costa Rica, including the Arenal volcano area and Manuel Antonio, which is a beach/rainforest area.

Spring Break 2013: El Salvador
5th Annual Service Immersion Program partnered with Maryknoll Missioners in San Salvador, the capital city.
May Term 2013: Rome
HST/ART 285, Rome the Eternal City – Architectural and Cultural History of Public Spaces with Prof. Nancy Recchie and Prof. Jeff Darbee
Summer Term 2013: Costa Rica
TSL 540/EDU 385/EDU 585, Experience Cultural Diversity in Costa Rica with Dr. Michele Regalla and Prof. Tony Emanuel. In partnership with Atenas Spanish Academy.

Spring Break 2012: El Salvador
4th Annual Service Immersion Program partnered with Maryknoll Missioners in San Salvador, the capital city
May Term 2012

Ireland - THL 285/ENG 385, Hagiography in the Early Irish Church or A Legacy of Irish Literature with Dr. Martin Brick and Dr. Kelle Lynch-Baldwin
Paris - HST/ART 285, City of Light – the Architecture and Urban Form of Paris with Prof. Nancy Recchie and Prof. Jeff Darbee
Spain/Portugal - EDU 385, Exploring Mathematics and Art in a Cultural Context with Dr. Lisa Douglass and Dr. Matt Conley