Course offerings listed below may vary from year to year based on course availability. For the most up-to-date courses, course requirements and descriptions, always refer to the current University Catalog. View the current Catalog here.
Foundation Courses

MBA 502 - Survey of Business Statistics
1 credit

Basic statistical skills for advanced work in the functional areas of business administration. The module will review topics such as descriptive statistics (mean, median, and mode), probability, distributions, sampling, and estimation.

MBA 503 - Survey of Economics
1 credit

An introductory review of economic theory and current economic events. The module examines economic problems associated with effective managerial decision-making.

MBA 504 - Survey of Accounting
1 credit

The course surveys the acquisition, analysis, and reporting of accounting information from the perspective of effective management decision-making. It also touches on the planning and control responsibilities of practicing managers.

MBA 505 - Survey of Finance
1 credit

The module examines the fundamentals of financial administration emphasizing the development of the issues and techniques involved in the cost of capital, capital budgeting, working capital management, and long-term sources and uses of funds. 

Core & Concentration Courses

MBA/MHA - 510 Management Skills Portfolio
3 Credits

This is an integrated course focusing on personal skill and management competency assessment and development. This course utilizes a set of assessment instruments and techniques to help students identify areas for personal development and growth. The assessment process culminates in the creation of a personal development plan that will be revisited in the final course of each graduate business program in order to determine progress and recast an updated plan. Additionally, the course contains multiple skill modules addressing capabilities relevant to academic success in any business graduate program. Skills addressed include team, writing, creativity, research, presentations, project management, software, and citation skills.

Not open to students who have completed BUS 510.

MBA 540 - Management of Information Systems
3 Credits

This course examines the use of information systems and their impact on service business processes. The course covers the management of the flow of information and services across the information systems user-producer interface. The course looks at the users of information systems and at the producers of information systems. The course approaches such topics as systems development, assessment of systems performance, and discussion of trends in the corporate application of developing technology from a managerial perspective.

Not open to students who have completed BUS 545.

MBA 550 - Global Business Enterprise & Trade Issues
3 Credits

This course addresses important issues pertaining to cross-border operations and practices of multinational enterprises as well as trade issues between nation states. Cultural, political, environmental, fair labor practices, regional integration and trade restrictions issues all impinge upon management decisions. The course integrates basic trade theories underpinning multinational business with case studies that illustrate real world applicability of these theories and making them more transparent to the students. It also incorporates the ethical dilemma and the social responsibility concerns faced by multinational corporations in their international operations.

Not open to students who have completed BUS 660.

MBA 570 - Quantitative Business Analysis
3 Credits

This course deals with rational applications to decision making through the study of quantitative models. It emphasizes analysis of data, interpretation of model results, and their implications for managerial decisions. Topics include decision analysis, probability relations and distributions, regression models and forecasting, project analysis, queuing, and linear programming.

Not open to students who have completed BUS 570.

MBA 600 - MBA Practicum
3 Credits

This course offers students a structured learning experience that will include a domestic or international practicum placement with an organization that is relevant to the student’s current career aspirations and/or professional objectives as well as an opportunity for reflection during periodic meetings (face-to-face or virtual). Students will also read and discuss literature that will support their transfer of learning from the applied experience to the classroom.

Finally, students will complete a series of written reflection papers designed to fully integrate the learning experience. This course is only available to students who have not yet held a full-time professional work position or to those who wish to explore a new career field or direction through a practicum placement.

MBA 620 - Marketing Management
3 Credits

This course focuses on managing the marketing function. The emphasis is on the nature and scope of the marketing manager’s responsibilities and on marketing decision-making. Topics include market and environmental analysis, marketing planning, and the development and management of marketing programs.

Not open to students who have completed BUS 620.

MBA 622 - Conflict Management & Negotiation Strategies for Leaders
3 Credits

Students will study the techniques necessary to break impasse and in an effort to come to resolution in the areas of conflict and negotiation. Skills include how to create an atmosphere that fosters conflict as an impetus for organizational learning and growth. Additionally, the course will focus on conflict resolution in the leadership roles that emphasizes how to avoid zero-sum alternatives and solutions.

Further exploration into negotiation, will enhance the student’s ability to conduct difficult conversations and mediate “win-win” situations. This course moves students to a greater competence level in both the theory and techniques of conflict management and negotiation.

MBA 625 - Project Management
3 credits

This course provides students with theoretical concepts, applications, the newest technology concepts, a variety of tools and processes, and practical insights to help them understand how to successfully manage projects in a wide variety of industries including software development, information technology, construction, government, healthcare, manufacturing, and R&D. This course is packed with study aids, real-time projects, and tools to provide plenty of hands-on practice and to prepare students for both the PMP and CAPM certification exams.

Not open to students who have completed MBA 685E Project Management.

MBA 630 - Accounting for Managers
3 Credits

The emphasis of this course is to provide a framework to learners so that they may demonstrate the ability to analyze the financial statements of an organization operating in our society and to understand how financial information can be used in the management, planning, control, and decision-making process. This course offers methods for determining the optimal volume and composition of firm assets, liabilities, and equity. This course will also cover theories and practices of capital budgeting and financing of assets.

Not open to students who have completed BUS 630.

MBA 635 -  Accounting for Government & Nonprofit Organizations
3 Credits

This course provides a complete review of the accounting principles and practices used in not-for-profit organizations with a heavy focus on governmental accounting practices. The course also covers accounting principles and practices for hospitals, colleges and universities, health and welfare agencies, and other similar organizations. A logical framework for understanding and solving the accounting-related problems of nonprofit organizations is emphasized.

MBA 636 - Financial Statement Analysis
3 Credits

In depth review of methods and tools of analyzing, understanding, and interpreting financial statements for making common sense of financial statements and financial reports prepared according to existing accounting standards and conventions. Knowledge and skills relevant to credit analyses, leading decisions, security analyses, investment decisions, and other decisions that rely on financial data.

Prerequisite: MBA 630.

MBA 638 - Contemporary Issues in Accounting
3 Credits

Analysis of selected contemporary issues in accounting. Topics vary from semester to semester. This course draws upon both accounting theory and practical applications to help financial statement user understand key concepts that underlie analysis and execution of financial decisions. The course applies contemporary accounting concepts and theories to financial statement preparation, analysis, and interpretation. Topics will be chosen on a rotational basis. Topics include, but not limited to, business combinations, taxation issues in business, auditing, and IFRS and international accounting issues.

Prerequisite: MBA 630.

MBA 640 - Managerial Economics
3 Credits

This course is a study of the applications of economic theory and principles to decision making in organizations. The course utilizes concepts from economic theory to ascertain the different dimensions of problems faced by managers and to derive alternative solutions to those problems. It focuses on the interactions that lead to price determination in output and input markets, and how they could be employed by managers to form general strategies that will enhance the value of their respective entities.

Not open to students who have completed BUS 640. 

MBA 645 - Behavioral Finance
3 Credits

The analysis of investor behavior and its reflection in the investment field and financial markets will be explored. This course has applications to individual investors and investment professionals such as portfolio managers and security analysts. Emphasis will be on the cognitive biases and emotions of investors and how this affects the markets. Essentially, it is the age-old battle between fear and greed in the marketplace and how investors can profit from the disequilibrium in the marketplace.

MBA 647 - Econometric Modeling
This course is designed for MBA students who are interested in data analytics and data science. Topics include but are not limited to multiple regression analysis for cross sectional and time series data, panel data models, spatial data models, qualitative and limited dependent variable models, structural equation models, and pure time series analysis including vector autoregressive models, vector error correction models, and ARCH/GARCH-based volatility models. Students will also utilize contemporary data analytics software and explore common data structures.

MBA 648 - Financial Modeling
3 Credits

This course is designed for MBA students who are interested in quantitative methods and their application to finance and investing. Topics include but are not limited to corporate finance and valuation; portfolio models including the capital asset pricing model, portfolio optimization, and event studies; valuation of options including the Black-Scholes model, the binomial option pricing model, and real options; and Monte Carlo methods including value at risk Students will also utilize contemporary data analytics software and explore common financial data sources.

MBA 650 - Managerial Finance
3 Credits

This course is a study of traditional and contemporary theories of finance as applied to the solution of management problems identified in selected cases. The focus of the applications activity is on policy formulations and decision making under conditions of uncertainty. The course builds upon concepts from financial management and managerial accounting courses. This course offers methods for determining the optimal volume and composition of firm assets, liabilities, and equity. The theories and practices of capital budgeting and financing of assets are emphasized.

MBA 660 - Ethics & Social Responsibility
3 Credits

This course includes a systematic overview of normative ethics and a comprehensive discussion of contemporary moral and legal issues in a business context. Ethical problems, presented by case studies, are analyzed and applied to business and public issues. The course is designed to ground students in the fundamental principles of the law that impact the day to day affairs of business and provide a framework for future case analysis and ethical decision-making.

Not open to students who have completed MBA 560 or BUS 564.

MBA 662 - International Financial Management
3 Credits

This course builds on fundamental financial theory and developments in the financial industry to explore strategies for global financial management. Topics include international fund flows, exchange rate behavior and risk management, international investment analysis, multinational cost of capital and capital structure, and financing foreign operations. Students will study how developments in global financial markets and infrastructure, and government policy impact financial decisions in organizations.

MBA 670 - Risk Management and Insurance
3 Credits
This course ensures a strong foundational understanding of the concept of risk, the process of risk management, and the field of insurance, including fundamental doctrines, historical background, social value, economic influence, loss exposures and protection, insurance regulation, and an overview of insurance company operations such as SAP accounting, reinsurance, marketing, underwriting, and claims adjusting.  A study of insurance as a risk financing technique, excess and umbrella liability, reinsurance and risk financing, captives, self-insurance and retrospectively rated plans are also included.  It concludes with a study of the framework of risk control, controlling losses, and motivating and monitoring risk control activities.

MBA 672 - Enterprise Risk Management
3 Credits
This course examines the management issues involved with assessing the security and risk environments in both the private and public sectors in order to assure continuous system-wide operations. The course studies the elements of risk assessment and operational continuity using the project management framework of planning, organizing, and controlling. Students are exposed to the role of the firm in crisis response and management as well as the terms, systems, and interactions necessary to assure continuous operations. 

MBA 675 - Advanced Supply Chain Management
This course is designed for MBA students who are interested in supply chain management and logistics. Topics include but are not limited to logistics and transportation models, network design, sourcing inputs and production operations, demand and order management, inventory and distribution management, and logistics performance measurement. Students will also utilize contemporary supply chain management and logistics software.

MBA/MPM - 680 Leadership & Change Management
3 Credits

This course focuses on an exploration of the models, perspectives, competencies, and tools related to providing leadership in changing environments. Students will assess their abilities in a variety of core leadership components including individual leadership traits, emotional intelligence, and change management skills. An individual leadership development plan will be constructed utilizing course readings, skill assessment tools, and case studies.

Not open to students with credit for MBA 725 or BUS 725.

MBA 685 - Special Topics
3 Credits

Timely topics in accounting, finance, management, marketing, and/or economics.

MBA 690 - MBA Capstone Learning Experience
3 Credits

This course is a capstone, integrative course for graduating MBA students at Ohio Dominican University. This course provides students an opportunity to develop, implement, reflect upon, and present an integrative learning experience aligned with their professional interests. The Capstone learning project will be a collaborative learning experience and will provide students an opportunity to apply cross-disciplinary learning to a significant project.

Prerequisite: Completion of all Core Courses (27 credit hours). Not open to students who have completed BUS 690.

SPM 510 - Sport Psychology
3 Credits 
The scope of sport leadership and coaching goes far beyond teaching skills and strategies to athletes. Successful teams are mentally focused on the task at hand, and coaches must be skilled at maximizing athlete performance with an in-depth understanding of the psychology of coaching athletes. This course will present current and future coaches with the contemporary issues associated with coaching psychology utilizing various sources and texts.

SPM 520 - Sport Sociology & Ethics 
3 Credits 

This course will examine the most significant historical normative ethical theories and moral concerns and apply them to the context of sport. The student will be expected to apply critical thinking skills to critique the culture of sport, particularly as found in current America. This will involve probing into some of the least glamorous element of sport practices and the problems caused by them. The student will be provided with tools and ethical theories to understand many of the inconsistencies and hypocrisies of sport in various levels, and will be empowered to think critically, rationally, and morally about the goods and evils of sport. 

SPM 610 - Sport Marketing & Consumer Behavior 
3 Credits 

This course is designed to provide students with a broad appreciation of marketing and its function as a vital component of sport management. This course will provide students with an understanding of marketing concepts as they are currently applied in various sport management contexts, equip students with the skills to perform basic marketing responsibilities, and provide a foundation for students to engage in advanced work in marketing, consumer behavior, and related fields. 

SPM 620 - Organizational Behavior in Sport Systems 
3 Credits 

The course focuses on a conceptual analysis of the management of sport. Management is viewed as the coordination of the processes of production and marketing of the services in the sport field. The unique characteristics of the service of sport serves as the framework for discussion on the managerial functions of planning, organizing, leading, and evaluating.

SPM 630 - Human Resource Management in Sport Management 
3 Credits

This course focuses on the management of human resources within sport organizations. The objective of the course is to provide a basic understanding of the nature of paid professional workers, volunteer workers, and clients in sport organizations; individual differences in abilities, values, personality, and motivation; organizational processes of job design, staffing, and performance appraisal; and desired outcomes of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. 

SPM 640 - Sport Law 
3 Credits 

We live in an increasing litigious society in which there has recently been a dramatic growth in the number of lawsuits filed within courts of law. Sport and physical activity have not been spared from this trend. Future professionals within the realm of physical activity and sport need to be aware of the law and the numerous implications it brings to their chosen fields. This class is designed to provide an introduction to various aspects of the law and its influence on sport and physical activity in order to decrease the probability that future sport managers will be involved in litigation. 

SPM 650 - Sport Economics & Finance 
3 Credits 

In recent years, traditional sources of revenue—tax support, and in several cases, media revenues and gate receipts—have declined while costs have rapidly escalated. Managers of sport organizations have head to do more with less. This course is designed to provide students with skills in financial analysis and budgeting techniques essential for tracking an organization’s revenue.