Learning Outcomes

Graduates with a Bachelor's degree in English are prepared for a wide range of career opportunities including education and professional writing. The program also offers excellent preparation for graduate or law school.
A minor in English or Professional Writing pairs well with many degrees and allows students to impress potential employers with their ability to speak and write effectively.

ODU English graduates will develop:

  • An understanding of how language and literature reflect and shape cultural values.
  • A functional proficiency in all aspects of the English language.
  • An understanding of culture as demonstrated in language and literature.
  • The ability to think and write critically about literature.
  • A respect for language and literature as a powerful humanizing tool.


The English major is flexible and challenging enough to serve as a great foundation for many careers, such as:

  • Arts Advocacy & Management
  • Business & Entrepreneurship
  • Journalism
  • Law
  • Marketing, Communications & Public Relations
  • Medicine
  • Publishing
  • Teaching
  • Theatre
  • Writing & Editing