Gesture Magazine
Gesture Magazine is Ohio Dominican University’s Literary Journal
We publish excellent and distinctive works of written and visual art created by members of the ODU community. The magazine is committed to diversity in authorship, subject matter, language and genres. Each issue reflects the creativity and preeminence of the university while supporting the mission of Ohio Dominican.
Gesture is supported by ODU’s Department of English.
Want to see your work in print? Submit to Gesture!
Gesture is seeking creative submissions of any kind from all students, faculty, and staff at Ohio Dominican University. All submissions undergo a review process by student editors, staff readers, and faculty advisors. Students in English and other writing-intensive courses are encouraged to submit work from those classes, but submissions are welcomed from students of any major and writing from outside of the classroom. Submissions may include:
- Poetry
- Short fiction
- Creative non-fiction, essay, or memoir
- Drama
- Photography
- Paint, illustration, and other visual art
To submit to Gesture email your work to
Click here to submit to Gesture
Want to be involved? Join Gesture!
Gesture is always looking for students who are interested in all aspects of the editing, marketing, and publishing process for Gesture literary journal. English majors and students in creative writing courses are especially encouraged to apply, but all majors are welcome if you are interested in:
- Publication, layout, graphic design
- Manuscript editing
- Social media marketing
- Promotion and events planning
- Reading and discussion writing, book club activities
- Leadership
Students interested in a role as Managing Editor may enroll in the 3 credit hour course Journal Editor (ENG 340) to receive credit towards graduation.
Interested in being involved? Email or Faculty Advisor Tony DeGenaro
About Gesture
Gesture Magazine is a great opportunity for students to learn about the publishing and editing process in the fields of creative writing, publishing, copy-editing and more. Get publishing experience as a writer and an editor!
In addition to pieces selected for publication through the review process, Gesture also honors several student award winners, including:
The Freshman Writing Award
Presented to the writer(s) of an outstanding essay submitted to ODU’s freshman composition courses as nominated by the instructors.
The Sister Maryanna Childs Award
Presented to the writer(s) of an outstanding essay in an upper division course, as nominated by the instructors.
The Judith C. Mitchell Award
Presented to the best piece of creative writing published each year in Gesture.
Virtual Library & Back Issue Orders
Download Gesture Spring 2024 Chapbook (40 Mb)
Coming soon – virtual library of historical issues of Gesture. Interested in another
back issue? Email Gesture Faculty Advisor Dr. Anthony DeGenaro at or visit the Gesture Library in Sansbury 201.
Discover ODU's English Department
The English Department here at Ohio Dominican offers students a strong foundation in classic, contemporary and international literature. The breadth of coverage – from Beowulf to Stan Lee – prepares students for a variety of rewarding careers. In addition to our English major, we offer minors in English, Creative Writing and Professional Writing that can enhance any university major.
Learn More