Faculty & Staff Library Resource Kit

Connect with resources & services that address your needs in teaching, student learning and research, as well as news and family.

Specialized Online Resources:

Visit Research Help for all of the following or ask a librarian create something for your course: Quick Reference, Research Guides by Subject & by Course, Online Tips & Tutorials.

View Research Help

Materials Tailored to Programs, Courses, & Assignments:

Librarians can create instructional guides, videos, tutorials, & assessments to help students engage with information resources & research. 

View Instruction Services

Items Set Aside for your Students

You can place your copy or our copy of a book, video, or other item on Course Reserves (no other libraries, please, due to copyright restrictions)

View Course Reserves

Open Educational Resources:

  • CORA - Community of Online Research Assignments
  • MERLOT - Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning & Online Teaching

View More Open Educational Resources & OER Initiatives

To Help you with your Online Distance Learners:

Find out what you need to know to help your students succeed as distance learners. Our library guide overs unique challenges in access & use of resources. Tips & recommendations provided.

View Distance Learning Library Guide

To connect to the Library's home page & Research Guides, your students can go to PantherLearn & take the following steps: 

1. Go to their home page by logging in or clicking on My Home in the top gold menu bar
2. Go to the navigation menu near the top of the screen & click on ODU Resources 

Want to link to a Library ebook, journal, or database safely for off-campus access?

View Guide to Linking Safely in PantherLearn

For more information about your Distance Learners & their unique challenges, get tips from the Library

View Guide to Helping Online Distance Learners


The Ohio Dominican University Academic Assessment Committee (AAC) commissioned a guide to resources on assessment and accreditation in 2015. This guide is designed to provide you with links to resources on assessment and accreditation, including the new Open Pathway accreditation model.

View Guide