What if I Need to Cancel?

We understand that unexpected academic obligations, work commitments, and illnesses can affect your schedule. However, please inform the Career Development Center of any change as early as possible, as there is a high demand for appointments. Your cancellation will allow us to offer your time slot to another student. Be sure to check your schedule carefully in order to avoid multiple appointment cancellations.

Career Advising Appointment Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel an appointment, please notify your career advisor that you need to cancel. If you do not cancel the appointment and do not show up, it will be recorded as a “no show” in Handshake. Two or more no-shows in a semester may result in a suspension of all Handshake privileges until you meet with a Career Development Center staff person to discuss time management and the importance of keeping appointments.

Appointment Late Arrival Policy

If you arrive later than 10 minutes for your appointment, you may be asked to reschedule.

Workshop/Program RSVP No-Show Policy

Participants are considered “no-shows” when they fail to cancel their RSVPs through Career Development Center staff without sufficient notice (more than 24 hours ahead of the program).  Some events may require even more advanced notice, especially if there a per person cost associated with the program. Two or more no-shows in a semester may result in a suspension of all Handshake privileges until you meet with a Career Development Center staff person to discuss time management and the importance of keeping appointments.

Please note that when participants no-show for events that require an RSVP, it is unfair to potential participants who wanted to attend but couldn't due to a possible waitlist. In addition, for some events (not all) we have employers and organizers who participate and they are giving their time to assist Ohio Dominican students. Thus, having no-shows for RSVP events not only reflects negatively on you, but on Ohio Dominican University as well. Moreover, such lapses of etiquette are generally not tolerated in the workplace. So, please be respectful and do your best to show up for events for which you RSVP. Thank you.