Handshake at ODU

ODU has partnered with Handshake – a modern career development platform to help current students and alumni reach their full potential: discover new career paths, search and apply for part-time jobs, internships, and full-time career opportunities with great companies and non-profits.
- Students, sign into Handshake with your ODU username and password; Alumni, create a new account and connect with the ODU Career Community in Handshake
- Schedule appointments with Career Development Center staff
- Personalized job recommendations based on your major and interests
- Easily register for and attend career fairs and career events
Handshake is the official partner of 850+ colleges and universities with over 21 million students + young alums, more than 300,000 employers, and 100% of the Fortune 500 companies.
As you search through available opportunities, please keep in mind that the posting
of an opportunity does not indicate endorsement or recommendation of the employers
or opportunities by the University. The University reviews employer requests to post
jobs, but does not perform an in-depth review of every job posting or otherwise make
any representations, warranties, or guarantees regarding the validity, accuracy, or
legitimacy of any of the posted positions. This includes, but is not limited to information
provided regarding wages, hours worked, working conditions, or safety. It is up to
you to apply due diligence and exercise caution and common sense in your job search.
For your privacy and protection when applying to a job online, it is advisable that
you do not provide any unnecessary personal information to the prospective employer,
provide credit card or bank information, or perform any type of monetary transaction.
If you suspect a fraudulent posting or have any questions, please contact the Career
Development Center at careercenter@ohiodominican.edu or (614) 251-4733.