Course offerings listed below may vary from year to year based on course availability. For the most up-to-date courses, course requirements and descriptions, always refer to the current University Catalog. View the current Catalog here.

ENG 220 - Professional Writing
3 Credits
A study of the various forms of business and technical writing: resumes, correspondence, proposals, case studies, and reports. Especially useful for liberal arts majors who want to make themselves more marketable in their careers and for those interested in professional writing. Grammar and language acquisition emphasized. Non-print media also included. 

Prerequisites: ENG 101-102 or 110-111. Not open to students with credit in BUS 120. This course does not fulfill the literature requirement.

ENG 322 - Creative Writing
3 Credits
This course focuses on the means of presentation, production, and publication methods and options for writers. Grammar and language acquisition emphasized. Non-print media also included. Does not fulfill the literature requirement. 

Prerequisites: ENG 101-102 or 110-111 or consent of instructor.


ENG 326 - The Art of the Essay
3 Credits
This course provides extensive opportunities for experienced writers to develop advanced stylistic techniques essential to good writing. The focus ranges from microscopic (nuances in grammar) to macroscopic (writing theory), as well as the means by which we read and write for different purposes. Non-print media also included. Recommended for those interested in professional writing, teaching, and especially for the English major planning graduate study. 

Prerequisites: ENG 101-102 or 110-111. Does not fulfill the literature requirement.

THR 305 - Playwriting
3 Credits

Using Aristotle’s six elements, students will analyze plays and then write short monologues, scenes, and finally a one-act play. The focus on dialogue and conflict in this course will energize all forms of creative writing.

Prerequisites: ENG 110 and ENG 111. 

PRS 205 - News Writing
3 Credits
Theory and practice of news gathering, writing, and editing with emphasis on the print and electronic media. Projects include straight news reporting as well as feature stories. Topics include determining news value, research, interviewing skills, writing for the ear as well as for the eye, and media critique. 

PRS 329 - Power-Packed Writing for PR & Marketing Communications
3 Credits

Intensive writing course that exposes students to all types of public relations writing including news releases, brochures, speeches, newsletters, annual reports, case studies, advertising copy, memos and crisis communication. Students will hone their skills while producing writing samples for their professional portfolios.

Prerequisite: PRS 201.