Course offerings listed below may vary from year to year based on course availability. For the most up-to-date courses, course requirements and descriptions, always refer to the current University Catalog. View the current Catalog here.

BUS 220 - Principles of Marketing
3 Credits
An introduction to the process of creating and fulfilling consumer and organizational needs through strategies involving the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and services in a market economy.

BUS 240 - Management & Organizational Behavior
3 Credits
This course focuses on the role of the manager in contemporary business and explores behavioral science concepts and research directed toward understanding human behavior and management within organizations.

BUS 305 - Non-Profit Management
3 Credits
This course focuses on the management of the non-profit, mission-based organization. Topics extend from issues around formation or start-up to an exploration of critical skills necessary to lead a thriving non-profit enterprise. The course will explore fundraising, grant writing, program development, communication and public relations, board relations, planning and budgeting, and mission-driven decision making.

BUS 343 - Human Resource Management
3 Credits
This course provides a broad understanding of the complex role of the human resource management function. Special emphasis is placed on demographic, professional and workforce trends that shape human resource management in contemporary business. 

Prerequisite: BUS 240, or BUS 305 for non-business majors, and junior or senior status. Not open to students with credit in BUS 243.

BUS 360 - Innovation & Entrepreneurship
3 Credits
This course examines creativity and innovation in existing businesses as well as in entrepreneurial ventures. The course will explore the structural and management variables that support creating and sustaining work environments that foster innovation. Finally, the course will explore the factors unique to the entrepreneurial start-up venture. 

Prerequisites: BUS 240 and junior or senior standing.

BUS 361 - Starting a New Business Venture
3 Credits
This course focuses on the start-up phase of the entrepreneurial venture as well as all the related financial, operational, marketing, and relational challenges. It also examines attributes of successful new businesses as well as issues related to the innovation of new products and services. Finally, the course provides students an opportunity to build and present a business plan for a new venture. 

Prerequisites: BUS 240 and junior or senior standing.

BUS 362 - Building, Operating, and Passing on a Family Business
3 Credits
This course focuses on issues related to the developmental lifecycle of the family business. Given that the vast majority of active (large and small) businesses are family businesses, this course examines critical success factors related to growth, success and succession. Additional topics covered include managing family dynamics in the context of the business, managing family member entrance and exit to the business, and selling or passing on the business. 

Prerequisites: BUS 240 and junior or senior status.

ECN 207 - Principles of Microeconomics
3 Credits
A basic study of the decision making behavior of individuals, households, firms, industries, and other economic units regarding resource allocation. Students will explore how markets function to coordinate the economic activities of different economic units. Topics include scarcity, opportunity cost, demand and supply, consumption, production, market structures, and profit maximization.

ENV 279A - CORE: Applied Sustainability
3 Credits
What is sustainability? How is it addressed across a range of disciplines? How can we understand how to live sustainably, in community from the local to global perspective? An integrated approach will apply understanding and advances in architecture, business, chemistry, biology, education, psychology, and ecology to living sustainability in community with others and the environment. Prerequisite: CORE 179 or appropriate transfer status. 

Pre- or Co-requisite: ENG 102 or ENG 111. This course fulfills the science requirement for non-science majors. Not open to students with credit in ENV 230.

FIN 328 - Entrepreneurial Finance
3 Credits
This course introduces the theories, knowledge, and financial tools an entrepreneur needs to start, build, and harvest a successful venture. Sound financial management practices are essential to a venture’s operation. The successful entrepreneur must know how and where to obtain the financing necessary to launch and develop the venture. Eventually, that same successful entrepreneur must know how and when to interact with financial institutions and regulatory agencies to take the venture to its potential and provide a return and liquidity for the venture’s investors. 

Prerequisite: MTH 102 or higher.

IBA 301 - World Economic Resources & Business Sourcing
3 Credits
This course is a study of the geographic locations of major economic resources in the world and the strategies developed by international firms for accessing them, and the establishment and maintenance of supply network management. It explains the off-shore location decisions by the resource-oriented industries, market-oriented industries, and manufacturing firms. It emphasizes the strategic and tactical objectives of out-sourcing. Lectures are complemented with case studies. 

Prerequisite: ECN 205 or ECN 107-208 or any course in business administration.

PRS 340 - Internet Strategies: Social Media, e-Commerce & More
3 Credits
This course is designed to provide an in-depth look at the principles, practices, and strategies utilized when incorporating the Internet into a public relations or marketing communications plan. This course will utilize lecture and case analysis to build a body of knowledge for students that they can apply to a professional setting. 

Prerequisite: PRS 201 or BUS 220 is recommended.