Gamma Iota Sigma - Beta Omega Chapter
Beta Omega Chapter
Gamma Iota Sigma pursues a mission to promote and encourage student interest in the insurance industry as a profession while encouraging the high moral and scholastic attainments of its members.
You are encouraged by Gamma Iota Sigma to study, engage in research and to advance in all fields of insurance endeavor. Your membership in Gamma Iota Sigma is only the beginning, and the associations you make will contribute greatly to your progress.
How to become a Member
The great thing about Gamma is you don’t have to be studying risk management and insurance to
become a member, just be interested in learning more about the industry. That means
you are eligible to become a Charter Member of our Beta Omega GIS Chapter.
It’s easy to join:
- Download your GIS Membership Application (Word document).
- Complete application in Word, print and sign at the bottom.
- Turn in completed application to Edward Lukco:
- Place under his office door (SANS257)
- Hand it to him when you see him on campus
- Put it in his mailbox in the Erskine mailroom
- Scan it and email it to
- Alternatively, you can give it to a Chapter officer
After submitting your application, you will be contacted by the Treasurer to pay the $40 membership fee. (Your annual renewal membership fee is only $10 thereafter.)
More than 100,000 Ohioans work in insurance; 236 companies call Ohio home
Insurance is both a stable and ever-growing industry in the Buckeye state. According to Ohio Development Services Agency "Ohio ranks 7th in the country in insurance industry employment according to the Insurance Information Institute and the U.S. Department of Commerce."
For those seeking a fulfilling yet dependable career, insurance may be the answer.
Joining Gamma Iota Sigma Beta Omega Chapter at Ohio Dominican University, the opportunities
are limitless, and are at your finger tips. There are opportunity to work with many
Insurance Companies throughout Ohio Such as: Celina Insurance Group, Grange Insurance,
Hylant, Liberty Mutual Insurance, Medical Mutual Of Ohio, Molina HealthCare, Nationwide,
Ohio Insurance Agents, Progressive and many more.
As a GIS Member there are many benefits and opportunities that are available to you:
- Scholarships
- Internship opportunities
- Conferences and other networking events
- Leadership opportunities
- International network of peers, mentors and employers beyond graduation

The idea of a national scholastic insurance fraternity actually started to become a reality when the Griffith Foundation for Insurance Education filed for incorporation in 1965. The following year, the OSU Insurance Society, which started at The Ohio State University in the early 1960’s, petitioned and was chartered as the first Gamma Iota Sigma Chapter, thereafter called Alpha Chapter. At Bowling Green State University, Beta Chapter received its charter in 1967, and in 1969, the University of Cincinnati was chartered as Gamma Chapter. There’s the beginning of what has now grown into a nucleus of 69 chapters located from California to Connecticut, and from Canada to Florida.
A Grand Chapter or Executive Committee of Gamma Iota Sigma was formed from the original fraternity planning committee, appointed by the Griffith Foundation.
The first Grand Chapter President was Warren L. Weeks, then a Griffith Foundation trustee. It was his commitment to the concept of a national student organization that lead to the eventual formation of Gamma Iota Sigma. (There currently exists a Warren L. Weeks, Sr. Scholarship presented each year to a student member. Nominations for the award are made by local chapters.)