Exercise Science Degree & Course Requirements
Degree & Course Requirements
Ohio Dominican University offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science to students who are interested in the natural phenomena of the human body and how the body functions during non-resting states.
Degrees Offered
- Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science
- Minor in Exercise Science
See also:
Exercise Science is intended to provide students with an in-depth study of the physiological bases of human physical performance.
In addition to seminar-based courses and advanced courses in Exercise Science, those
who complete this degree will take additional courses in biology and chemistry. Students
will also have the opportunity to work closely with a faculty mentor to design and
complete an independent research project during their senior year.
In addition, students who wish to prepare for a professional career have the opportunity
to gain real-world experience by completing an internship in an area of their choosing.
Exercise Science Four-Year Sample Plan
Year 1 - Fall
ENG 110
CORE 179
BIO 201
SCI 125
MTH 140
Year 1 - Spring
ENG 111
Required Elective
BIO 203
Social Science
Year 1 - Summer
Elective (if needed)
Year 2 - Fall
CORE 279
CHM 109
LNG 242
Year 2 - Spring
BIO 341 or 342
Year 3 - Fall
CORE 379
BIO 341 or 342
PHY 119
EXSC 480
Required Elective
Program Requirements
Core Courses (33 credits):
- BIO 201 General Biology: Cells & Molecules
- BIO 203 General Biology: Vertebrate Anatomy & Physiology
- BIO 341 Human Anatomy
- BIO 342 Human Physiology
- EXSC 370 Biomechanics
- EXSC 479 Exercise Physiology
- EXSC 480 Exercise Testing and Prescription
- SCI 125 Introduction to Sciences
Required Correlatives (15 credits):
- CHM 109 General Chemistry I
- CHM 110 General Chemistry II
- MTH 140 Introduction to Statistics
- PHY 119 College Physics I or PHY 219 General Physics I
Select nine credits from the following:
- BIO 252 Human Nutrition
- EXSC 100 Activities (maximum 2 semester credits)
- EXSC 122 First Aid
- EXSC 210 Electrocardiography Analysis
- EXSC 214 Introduction to Pharmacology
- EXSC 218 Motor Learning
- EXSC 240 Introduction to Kinesiology
- EXSC 241 The Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
- EXSC 253 Nutrition for Sport and Exercise
- EXSC 262 Introduction to Pathophysiology
- EXSC 355 Personal Training
- EXSC 470 Musculoskeletal Pathomechanics
- EXSC 497 Internship in Exercise Science
- PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology
- PSY 224 Human Development: Lifespan
- PSY 335 Health Psychology
- PHY 120 College Physics II or PHY 220 General Physics II
- SCI 201 Research Fundamentals in the Sciences
Select three credits from the following:
- SPM 110 Sport Management
- SPM 140 Sport Psychology
- SPM 310 Sport Event and Facility Management
Download Program Overview
Includes a program overview, sample semester plan and program course requirements.