Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies

Degree & Course Requirements

ODU's Educational Studies major provides students with knowledge and understanding of education practice, teaching and learning, all grounded in the liberal arts.

Degree offered:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies
Educational Studies at Ohio Domnican is a non-licensure program, designed to enable students to seek interdisciplinary perspectives based on their interests.

Students complete Educational Studies Major Core requirements, Concentration area courses and General Education for Bachelor of Arts.

Candidates will have flexibility to build their backgrounds in at least one area of concentration to best meet their interests and needs.

Selected areas of concentration will prepare candidates with structure and focus in furthering their professional goals. Concentration area options include:
  • Child Care Administration & Management
  • Curriculum & Instruction
  • International Education / Global Studies
  • Peace Education
The program is intended to serve the needs of students who have interest in the field of education but not to acquire licensure. It will be a viable option for candidates who have completed significant course work for a Professional Education program but do not wish or are not able to complete that program. 

The course plan below is a sample plan for your major; it does not and should not replace meeting with your Academic Advisor to map out the best course plan that suits your individual academic goals and placement upon initial registration.

Classes listed may not necessarily be offered during a particular term. 

Year 1
Fall Semester Spring Semester
ENG 110 ENG 111
CORE 179 Concentration (1)
MTH 121 or MTH 140 Natural Science
EXSC 125 Elective
Year 2
Fall Semester Spring Semester
CORE 279 Foreign Language 111
EDU 103/105/110/112 Required Elective (1)
Foreign Language 110 Concentration (3)
Concentration (2) Art/Music/Theatre
THL Elective
Year 3
Fall Semester Spring Semester
EDU 379A Concentration (5)
Required Elective (2) Concentration (6)
Concentration (4) Social/Behavioral Science
Elective Elective
Year 4
Fall Semester Spring Semester
EDU 479D Concentration (8)
Concentration (7) LIT
Social/Behavioral Science Elective
Elective Elective
Elective Elective

Select one or more concentrations. Each concentration requires 24 credit hours:

  • Child Care Administration and Management
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • International Education/Global Studies
  • Peace Education

Required Elective (1) – Choose one course: EDU 210, EDU 220, PSY 220

Required Elective (2) – Choose one course: CRJ 263, EDU 215, EDU 230, EDU 335, SOC 101

Faculty Advisors should help students pick Emphasis Electives and Minors based on career path. Other electives should be towards minor or graduate school prerequisites (meet with Advisor) and all students need 120 credits (15 credits per semester) to graduate in 4 years.

Course Requirements

Students must complete the degree requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in addition to the major requirements listed below.

Select one course from the following:

Courses Credits
EDU 103 Introduction to Teaching: Early Childhood 3*
EDU 105 Introduction to Teaching: Middle Childhood 3*
EDU 110 Introduction to Teaching: Intervention Specialist 3*
EDU 112 Introduction to Teaching: Adolescence to Young Adult 3*

Select one course from the following:

Courses Credits
EDU 210 Understanding Development & Learning of the Young Child 3*
EDU 220 Educational Psychology 3*
PSY 220 Human Development: Childhood & Adolescence 3*
EDU 210 or 220 will be counted for students who have taken these courses in the professional education program   

Select one course from the following:

Courses Credits
CRJ 263 Juvenile Delinquency 3*
EDU 215 Diversity & the Learner 3*
EDU 230 Introduction to Special Education & Diverse Learners 3*
EDU 335 Introduction to Middle Childhood, Diversity & Classroom Management 3*
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology 3*
EDU 379A CORE: Principles of Education 3*
EDU 479D CORE: Educational Studies 3*
EXSC 125 Introduction to Exercise, Health & Nutrition 3*
EDU 215, 230, or 335 will be counted for students who have taken these courses in the professional education program  

Select at Least One Concentration

Child Care Administration & Management

Courses 24
ACT 210 Accounting for Financial Decision Making 3*
EDU 120 Teaching Reading through Literature for Children & Young Adults 3*
EDU 210 Understanding Development & Learning of the Young Child 3*
EDU 218 Early Childhood as a Profession 3*
EDU 497 Educational Studies Internship 3*
MTH 140 Introduction to Statistics 3*

Select one course from the following:

Courses Credits
BUS 220 Principles of Marketing 3*
BUS 240 Management & Organizational Behavior 3*

Select one course from the following:

Courses Credits
EDU 230 Introduction to Special Education & Diverse Learners 3*
EDU 250 Issues & Techniques in Assessment, Classroom Environment & Management 3*
Prerequisites for 200 level or above EDU courses: Junior standing, GPA 2.5 or above, except for EDU 497   

Curriculum & Instruction

Courses Credits
COM 242 Cross Cultural Communication 3*
EDU 120 Teaching Reading through Literature for Children & Young Adults 3*
EDU 211 Teaching Phonics & the Structure of Language 3*
EDU 212 Developmental Issues & Practice in Reading 3*
EDU 215 Diversity & the Learner 3*
EDU 497 Educational Studies Internship 3*

Select one course from the following:

Courses Credits
EDU 230 Introduction to Special Education & Diverse Learners 3*
EDU 250 Issues & Techniques in Assessment, Classroom Environment & Management 3*

Select one course from the following:

Courses Credits
Early Childhood Methods: EDU 333A, 333B, 333C 3*
Middle Childhood Methods: EDU 339, 349A, 349B, 349C 3*
Intervention Specialist Methods: EDU 330, 331, 350, 351 3*
Adolescence to Young Adult Methods: EDU 346, 353, 354, 355 3*
Prerequisites for 200 level or above EDU courses: Junior standing, GPA 2.5 or above, except for EDU 497  

International Education/Global Studies

Courses Credits
COM 242 Cross Cultural Communication 3*
EDU 120 Teaching Reading through Literature for Children & Young Adults 3*
EDU 497 Educational Studies Internship 3*

Select 15 credits from the following:

Courses Credits
ECN 340 International Economics 3*
GEO 125 World Regional Geography 3*
IBA 305 International Business Environments 3*
LNG 188 Study Abroad 3*
PJU 279G CORE: Interpersonal Negotiation & Mediation 3*
POL 360 Seminar: International Politics 3*
POL 379A CORE: War & Peace: International Law & Organizations 3*
SOC 379B CORE: Global Ethnic Relations 3*

Peace Education

Courses Credits
COM 242 Cross Cultural Communication 3*
EDU 120 Teaching Reading through Literature for Children & Young Adults 3*
EDU 497 Educational Studies Internship 3*
PJU 279G CORE: Interpersonal Negotiation & Mediation 3*
PJU 379B CORE: Peace and Justice: Catholic Social Teachings 3*
SOC 279B CORE: Nonviolent Social Change 3*
SOC 379C CORE: Causes of Collective Violence:Terrorism, Genocide, War 3*

Select one course from the following:

Courses Credits
POL 360 Seminar: International Politics 3*
SOC 379B CORE: Global Ethnic Relations 3*
Total Credits Required 42

* Used to calculate the Major GPA