Wellness Events

Throughout the year, workshops are offered to educate the ODU community on special wellness topics, including stress and time management, dealing with conflict, suicide prevention, being a friend to a student in crisis.

Below is an example of the types of workshops offered by Counseling Services. Keep an eye on your ODU email, the ODU Weekly, and the Campus Events Calendar for future events!

Test Anxiety

Nervous stomach? Mind goes blank? Studied and studied for this test? This workshop helps students look at mental blocks that have been built and move beyond these blocks to more effective ways of preparing for and taking tests. Students will also gain insight into how anxiety and fear impact the body's response and learn effective relaxation and test-taking techniques to ensure greater effectiveness.

When Helping Hurts

Do people typically turn to you for help? Are you usually expected to be strong for others? Do your needs tend to get bypassed in the process? This workshop will help participants distinguish between healthy and unhealthy patterns of helping, help them set appropriate limits when helping others, and to use their care and concern for others in more appropriate and productive ways.

Balance Priorities and Enjoy Life

Ever feel like your juggling several responsibilities and roles at the same time? Do you have competing priorities among school, work, friends, family extracurriculars and other involvements that place demands on you? This workshop will help you look at your multiple roles and assist you in making choices and changes that will affect the quality of your life and lead to greater satisfaction.

Improving Your Decision Making

Is it difficult for you to make even small decisions? Do you tend to ask everyone else their opinion without really being sure of your own? This workshop will examine the processes we use to make decisions, look at the obstacles to good decision-making, and identify the processes for becoming good decision makers. You will be better able to construct your future.

Dealing With Life's Stresses

Stress is basically the way we react, both physically and emotionally to change. With today's hectic pace, it's no wonder we tend to think of stress as a way of life. But if stress becomes a constant, ongoing cycle, our health and well-being suffer. Come to discuss how you feel under stress, what actually occurs in your body, and learn creative solutions for dealing with stress and controlling life changes when possible.

Coping with Transitions & Loss

College students may experience a variety of losses, including the death of a significant person, a parent's divorce, or a relationship break-up. Other losses are graduating, separation from friends, not achieving a goal or job you worked really hard for. Such losses can affect your life on a daily basis. Come and listen and share ideas on how to recognize and deal with loss.