Bachelor of Science in Biology

Degree & Course Requirements

Ohio Dominican Biology students focus on the study of living organisms and graduate with an appreciation for the natural world and its diversity. Graduates are prepared for a variety of careers or for further studies.

Degrees offered:
  • Bachelor of Science in Biology
  • Minor in Biology
Two main tracts exist within the Biology major; one leading to graduate or professional school and one leading to bachelor’s level employment.

Graduate School: Students wishing to enter graduate school after graduation are advised to take additional courses in Chemistry and Physics to fulfill the admission requirements of these schools. 

Medical School: Students wishing to enter medical school with the goal of becoming a physician, osteopath, dentist, optometrist, podiatrist or veterinarian are advised to major in either Biology or Chemistry and minor in the other. 

Three teaching licensures in the natural sciences are also available: All teaching licensures include a common core of science courses and an emphasis on pedagogical techniques. The three licensures are designed so a student may move from one teaching major to another with ease.


Download Program Guide

Includes a program overview, sample semester plan and program course requirements.