Teacher Professional Development Opportunities
Tailor-Made for Working Teachers
Ohio Dominican provides working educators like you with relevant, accredited courses to help you stay current with best teaching practices while renewing your teaching licenses.
Our professional development courses are convenient and tailored for working teachers.
- Courses are instructed by qualified district teachers or ODU faculty.
- Other courses offered at schools or online.
- Discounts available for teachers in the Columbus Diocese.
Review the course offerings and details below, and register today!
ODU offers graduate professional development and continuing education units for teachers. Learn new and impactful skills, tools and approaches to use in your classroom.
Empower Your Statistics Students
Jan. 27 – April 11
- Free tuition (funded by Intel through northeast Ohio Intel partners grant)
- Two professional development credit hours (pass/fail)
- 10 weeks of instruction (Approximately three hours per week)
- Free online interactive modules for your classroom
Course Description
Enhance High School Statistics Courses: Topics in Statistical Process Control
This course explores ways in which quality control practices applied in manufacturing
settings can be used to enhance students’ understanding of statistics topics such
as distributions, central limit theorem, and hypothesis testing. Participants will
explore various aspects of statistical process control (SPC), drawing connections
between SPC and standard secondary school level statistics topics. Through interactive
online resources, participants will develop a lesson plan adaptable to their current
curriculum. Additionally, insights into career opportunities within the semiconductor
industry for Ohio students will be provided.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completing the online course, participants will:
- Apply basic SPC concepts to situations that arise in manufacturing settings, including reading and constructing control charts, and interpreting process distributions.
- Align SPC topics with traditional statistics course concepts (e.g., distributions, central limit theorem).
- Effectively use the provided free online interactive platform for learning, teaching, and tracking student progress.
- Demonstrate the ability to incorporate one of the online modules effectively into an existing course.
- Guide students to relevant resources related to careers in semiconductor manufacturing.
Have Questions?
Contact Anna Davis at davisa@ohiodominican.edu.
Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools (GJPS) has partnered with Ohio Dominican to offer Professional Development credit for teachers.
For more information about ODU's tuition & fees, click here.
There are currently no scheduled courses.
Ohio Dominican has partnered with the Columbus Diocese to offer the following courses to teachers for professional development credit:
There are currently no scheduled courses.
For more information about ODU's tuition & fees, click here.
Contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@ohiodominican.edu.
Offer Professional Development at Your School
Ohio Dominican makes it easy and affordable to offer professional development opportunities to your teachers right in your school.
No matter where they are in their careers, ODU's courses focus on outcomes that give your teachers - and their students - a competitive edge.
We provide a range of classes that can be taught by qualified teachers in your district or by Ohio Dominican faculty. Classes can be held in your district, on ODU's campus or online.

Get started today!
- Submit your course proposal, syllabus and instructor's resume to the Office of the Registrar at registrar@ohiodominican.edu.
- We'll review your proposal within five business days.
- Once approved, we'll provide you with a registration link for teachers to enroll.