Physician Assistant Studies Didactic Course Descriptions
This is an introductory course to the PA profession. It explores many aspects of the PA Profession including historical development, legislative aspects, and various professional practice topics. Lecture.
Prerequisite: Admission into the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 520 - Gross Human Anatomy
Gross Human Anatomy is designed to introduce the student to the gross structures of the human cadaver. The major visceral structures of each region are emphasized and described in lecture. The musculoskeletal system, vascular system, and the peripheral nervous system and their important functional interrelationships are described in lecture and studied via student-led dissection as the foundation of clinical education. The course will incorporate core textbook readings, didactic lectures and laboratory dissection of human cadavers. Lecture and Lab.
Prerequisite: Admission into the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 527 - Microbiology & Immunology
This course provides a review of medically important infectious microorganisms and the principles and techniques employed in their laboratory diagnosis. The course also explores the components and response of the immune system in mounting a defense against common pathogens. Relevant pharmacotherapy and preventive measures such as immunization are discussed. Lecture.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued enrollment in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 530 - Physical Diagnosis I: Effective Patient Communication
This is the first of three semester courses designed to prepare the PA student to obtain a complete history on any patient. This course concentrates on the art of obtaining a complete medical history and introducing the skills to perform a physical exam. The lectures explore how to deal with various challenging patient encounters and develop the ability to communicate on a professional and personal level. Lecture.
Prerequisite: Admission into the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 563 - Medical Physiology
This course provides an overview of the physiologic function of the cell (including development, growth and function), the integumentary system, the nervous system, the pulmonary system, the endocrine system, the cardiovascular system, the gastro-intestinal system, the genitourinary system, the circulatory system, and the immune system. This course is designed to prepare the student for understanding disease processes associated with pathophysiologic dysfunction. Lecture.
Prerequisite: Admission into the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 566 - Human Genetics
This course will review the basic principles of medical genetics. A familiarity with basic genetics is assumed. Students will learn to obtain a detailed family history and assess possible modes of inheritance. Principles of genetic screening, testing, and diagnosis will be discussed. Specific genetic disorders, the underlying etiology, clinical presentation, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment options will be reviewed. The ethical principles related to genetic evaluation and testing will be discussed. Lecture.
Prerequisite: Admission into the Physician Assistant Studies Program
PAS 601 - Clinical Medicine I
This course explores human disease using a body systems approach. Each body system presentation includes a brief review of related anatomy and how it relates to the disease conditions, signs and symptoms. The course also presents condition specific diagnostic methods and management. Lecture.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued enrollment in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 630 - Physical Diagnosis II
This course is the second of three semester courses designed to prepare the PA student to obtain the medical history and perform a comprehensive physical exam. Lectures focus on the adult patient, progressing by body system. Normal variations and common abnormal physical exam findings are also introduced. An emphasis is placed on the understanding of the relationship of major signs and symptoms to their physiologic or pathophysiologic origins. The clinical laboratory component of the course allows students to work in small groups to develop the history taking and examination skills discussed in lecture. Lecture.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued enrollment in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 652 - Public Health & Nutritional Concepts
This course introduces students to the social determinants of health and wellness issues in the community; including a focus on nutritional concepts, preventative health, and patient wellbeing. Public health concepts are also explored, outlining the role of public health in healthcare delivery. Lecture.
Prerequisites: Admission into the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 660 - Diagnostic Methodology
This course provides instruction on common methods of medical diagnostic techniques utilized in a range of clinical settings. Content is categorized into three learning modules: laboratory ECG interpretation, and diagnostic imaging. Each module utilizes multimodal instructional techniques including lectures and case discussions. Lectures will focus on development and honing the ability to order and interpret a variety of laboratory and diagnostic studies that are performed by clinical providers in routine clinical practice. Lecture.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued enrollment in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 663 - Pathophysiology
This course addresses the pathophysiology that pertains to cell growth, development, and function, the integumentary system, the nervous system, the pulmonary system, the endocrine system, the cardiovascular system, the gastro-intestinal system, the genitourinary system, the circulatory system, and the immune system, and acid-based disturbances. Lecture.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued good standing in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 670 - Pharmacology I
This course is the first of two courses designed to present a systematic presentation of pharmacologic agents based upon drug group classification, nature and mode of action, toxicity, and clinical therapeutic applications. Lecture.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued good standing in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 702 - Clinical Medicine II: Emergency Medicine
This course provides instruction on common injuries, diseases, and other conditions within the scope of acute or emergent clinical medicine. Content includes lecture presentations and case studies which highlight unique aspects of providing emergent medical care for medical disorders managed in emergency medicine. Lecture.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued enrollment in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 703 - Clinical Medicine II: Surgery
This course is designed to prepare the PA student for the general surgery and surgical subspecialties. General surgical concepts and conditions as well as medical conditions treated in surgical sub-specialties are presented. Lecture.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued enrollment in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 704 - Clinical Medicine II: Women's Health & Pediatrics
This course explores clinical medicine related specifically to women’s health and pediatric populations. The course is divided into two modules. In the first, Women’s health, diagnosis, management and preventative concepts related to gynecologic, prenatal, pregnancy, and postmenopausal care are presented.
In the second module, Pediatrics, aspects of development from birth to adolescence as well as medical issues and special concerns of the pediatric population are taught. Lecture.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued enrollment in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 706 - Primary Care Seminar
This course explores the most common conditions causing patients to present to primary care practitioners and will build upon knowledge already presented in the previous semesters. Lecture will focus on preventative primary care practices and the management of medical conditions and comorbidities.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued enrollment in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 730 - Physical Diagnosis III
This course is the third of three semester courses designed to prepare the Physician Assistant student to obtain a complete history and to perform a complete physical examination on any patient with special sensitivity to age, gender, and cultural background. This course will start by completing an adult history and physical examination, from neurology to male and female genitalia.
The remainder of the semester then focuses on directed histories and physical examinations on targeted body systems. The course culminates in student demonstration of proficiency with standardized patients during the Objective Standardized Clinical Examination (OSCE). Lecture.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued good standing in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 770 - Pharmacology II
This course is the second of two courses designed to present a systematic investigation of various drug classes and their mechanisms of action, main clinical effects, chief clinical applications and their most common and most adverse side effects. Lecture.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued good standing in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 773 - Research Methods
This course is designed to prepare students to recognize and evaluate medical literature and understand the role of clinical research in improved patient outcomes. Students will explore basic statistical principles as they relate to the clinical outcomes. In addition, students will examine foundational studies leading to important changes in the care and diagnosis of patients. Lecture.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued enrollment in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 807 - Practical Clinical Skills
This course provides the student with education and experience in the performance of various clinical skills encountered in PA practice. This includes training in wound management, sterile technique, casting/splinting, and various other clinical procedures.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued enrollment in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 810 - Ethics, Health Systems, Law & Policy
This course is designed to give students an introduction to medical ethics and their legal implications where applicable. The course focuses on the guiding bioethical principles of justice, beneficence, nonmaleficence and autonomy. This course also examines different healthcare models and healthcare policy that affects healthcare delivery in the United States. Lecture.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued enrollment in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 830 - Diverse & Vulnerable Patient Populations in Health Care
This course instructs the student in recognizing what contributes to vulnerability of a patient population. The course includes evaluation of focused populations to explore methods of engagement, support and advocacy for vulnerable patient populations. Additionally, various cultural aspects of medicine are explored, focusing on patient diversity.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued enrollment in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 840 - Clinical Decisions
This course concentrates on patient presentations and medical conditions commonly seen in clinical practice with a focus on obtaining appropriate data through the history-taking process and developing a differential diagnosis. The course explores patient safety and risk management. Lecture sessions also involve case study reviews and class discussions. Lecture.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued enrollment in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 880 - Behavioral Health & Illness
This course teaches the skills necessary to evaluate and manage behavioral health conditions. Course content includes the psychiatric interview, emergent conditions in psychiatry, pathophysiology, risk factors, and the DSM5 diagnostic criteria for diagnosis of behavioral health conditions. The pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment options are also presented. Lecture.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued enrollment in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.
PAS 890, PAS 891 and PAS 892 Experiential Clinical Preparation I, II, and III
These courses take place in each of the spring (I), summer (II), and second fall (III)
terms of the didactic phase of the Program. These courses help the student prepare
for the clinical phase of their education by providing opportunities to integrate
classroom knowledge from other courses and apply it using (1) simulated cases with
tabletop situation, standardized patients, and high fidelity simulations in our Simulation
Lab and (2) experiences through service learning to engage with diverse community
members and to build communication and collaboration skills.
In PAS 892, students are oriented to the policies and procedures of the clinical phase of the program.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the previous semester and continued enrollment in the PA Program.