Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies

Mission & Goals

ODU's Physician Assistant Studies Program, the first PA program established in Central Ohio, offers exceptional educational training, service opportunities in local communities, and a diversity of rotations within medical organizations around the state.

The Ohio Dominican PA Program will educate students to become qualified members of the healthcare team, promoting service and excellence in academics, professionalism, and clinical care. Graduates will be prepared to deliver holistic, evidence-based, patient-centered care in a wide variety of practice settings.

The ODU PA Program is committed to educating students to become competent and compassionate healthcare professionals. The program’s mission emphasizes excellence in academics, professionalism, and clinical care, with a focus on holistic, evidence-based, and patient-centered healthcare delivery. The PA Program Goals support this mission by fostering the knowledge, skills, and professional attributes necessary for graduates to excel in diverse clinical settings.

Click below for each goal and data supporting the acquisition of these Program Goals.

Graduate qualified students to become certified PAs.

  Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Class of 2023
Class Matriculating Overall GPA


National average 3.58* 


National average 3.58*


National average 3.60 

Program Benchmark: Matriculating overall GPA at or above national average

Strength Benchmark: Matriculating overall GPA above national average for three consecutive years

Program has met this benchmark and strength benchmark for the last three consecutive classes demonstrating excellence in recruitment of qualified students.

Class Matriculating Science GPA


National average 3.52*


National average 3.52* 


National average 3.50† 

Program Benchmark: Matriculating science GPA at or above national average

Strength Benchmark: Matriculating science GPA above national average for three consecutive years

Program has met this benchmark and strength benchmark for the last three consecutive classes demonstrating excellence in recruitment of qualified students.

Class Graduation Rate


National graduation rate 93.6%* 


National graduation rate 93.6%* 


National graduation rate 94.2%† 

Program Benchmark: At or above national graduation rate

Strength Benchmark: Above national graduation rate for three consecutive years

Program has met this benchmark and strength benchmark for the last three consecutive classes demonstrating excellence in retention of qualified students.

Class PA National Certification Examination 1st Time Pass Rate 


National 1st time pass rate 93%‡


National 1st time pass rate 92%‡


National 1st time pass rate 92%‡

Program Benchmark: At or above the national first-time test takers pass rate

Strength Benchmark: Above the national first-time test taker pass rate for three consecutive years

Program has met this benchmark and strength benchmark for the last three consecutive classes demonstrating excellence in graduate board certification.

* Physician Assistant Education Association, By the Numbers: Program Report 35: Data from the 2019 Program Survey, Washington, DC: PAEA; 2020. doi: 10.17538/PR35.2020.

PA Education Association, By the Numbers: Program Report 36: Data from the 2021 Program Survey, Washington, DC: PAEA; 2023 DOI: 10.17538/PR36.2021

‡ NCCPA PANCE Pass Rate data

ODU PA Program has met all four benchmarks and strength benchmarks for these data metrics for the last three consecutive classes. This demonstrates consistently meeting this program goal.

In addition, meeting strength benchmark for all metrics demonstrates graduating qualified students to become certified PAs is a program strength.

Graduate students that have developed communication skills that foster therapeutic relationships, identify patient goals, and promote appropriate patient education.

  Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Class of 2023
Preceptor evaluation of students’ ability to effectively communicate 4.80 4.86 4.89

Program Benchmark: 3.5 on a 1-5 Likert scale §
Strength Benchmark: 4.5 for three consecutive years

Program has met this benchmark and strength benchmark for the last three consecutive classes demonstrating excellence in communication.

Student self-assessment of communication skills at exit survey 4.47 4.33 4.80

Program Benchmark: 3.5 on a 1-5 Likert scale §
Strength Benchmark: 4.5 for three consecutive years

Program has met this benchmark for the last three consecutive classes demonstrating effective communication skills.

Class Summative OSCE performance, including communication skills and patient education 100% graduates complete OSCE without remediation 100% graduates complete OSCE without remediation 100% graduates complete OSCE without remediation7

Program Benchmark: Less than 10% of graduating student will require remediation
Strength Benchmark: No graduating students require remediation for three consecutive years

Program has met this benchmark and strength benchmark for the last three consecutive classes demonstrating excellence in communication and patient education. 

§ Likert Scale: 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly Agree

ODU PA Program has met all three benchmarks for these data metrics for the last three consecutive classes. This demonstrates consistently meeting this program goal.

Prepare graduates for delivery of patient care through a comprehensive curriculum that supports entry into clinical practice.

  Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Class of 2023
Aggregate Clinical PACKRAT Performance


National Average 150.8 (std. dev. 17.5) 


National Average 162 (std. dev. 19.8) 


National Average 159 (std. dev. 18) 

Program Benchmark: At or above one standard deviation below national average for the cohort
Strength Benchmark: Above national average for three consecutive years

Program has met this benchmark for the last three consecutive classes demonstrating a comprehensive curriculum.

Overall average preceptor evaluation in all domains 4.78 4.81 4.82

Program Benchmark: 3.5 on a 1-5 Likert scale §
Strength Benchmark: 4.5 for three consecutive years

Program has met this benchmark and strength benchmark for the last three consecutive classes demonstrating excellence in preparation for clinical practice.

Summative OSCE performance including communication skills and patient education 100% graduates complete OSCE without remediation 100% graduates complete OSCE without remediation 100% graduates complete OSCE without remediation

Program Benchmark: Less than 10% of graduating student will require remediation
Strength Benchmark: No graduating students require remediation for three consecutive years

Program has met this benchmark and strength benchmark for the last three consecutive classes demonstrating excellence in preparation for clinical practice.

§ Likert Scale: 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly Agree

ODU PA Program has met all three benchmarks for these data metrics for the last three consecutive classes. This demonstrates consistently meeting this program goal.

Promote service, professionalism, and delivery of equitable care.

  Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Class of 2023
PA students service hours while enrolled in the program  10.5ⱽ 18 15.38

Program Benchmark: Class average of 20% above required service hours (10 hours required)
Strength Benchmark: Achieving a class average of 20% above required service hours for three consecutive years

Program has met this benchmark for the last two consecutive classes.

Class of 2021 service hours limited d/t COVID-19 pandemic in 2020

Preceptor evaluation of students’ professionalism 4.71 4.57 4.87

Program Benchmark: 3.5 on a 1-5 Likert scale §
Strength Benchmark: 4.5 for three consecutive years

Program has met this benchmark and strength benchmark for the last three consecutive classes demonstrating excellence in professionalism.

Successful completion of PAS 830 Diverse and Vulnerable Patient Populations course focusing on equitable care 100% 100% 100%

Program Benchmark: All students achieve a final course grade of ≥70% demonstrating successful completion of all learning outcomes of PAS 830
Strength Benchmark: All students achieve a final course grade of ≥70% for three consecutive years

Program has met this benchmark and strength benchmark for the last three consecutive classes demonstrating excellence in promoting the delivery of equitable care.

Student evaluation of PAS 830 Diverse and Vulnerable Patient Populations course 4.58 4.50 4.73

Program Benchmark: 3.5 on a 1-5 Likert scale §
Strength Benchmark: 4.5 for three consecutive years

Program has met this benchmark and strength benchmark for the last three consecutive classes demonstrating excellence in promoting the delivery of equitable care.

§ Likert Scale: 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly Agree

ODU PA Program has met all four benchmarks for these data metrics for the last two consecutive yearsThis demonstrates meeting this program goalAlthough we did not meet this benchmark for service hours in the Class of 2021 due to COVID-19 pandemic, we have met this benchmark for two consecutive years and will continue to monitor with future classes.

ODU's master’s program in Physician Assistant Studies promotes the Roman Catholic moral teaching on the transcendent and inherent dignity of the human person. 

The University’s faculty, staff, and students work to guard that dignity through their respect for human life from conception to natural death and by their assurance of the right to freedom of conscience for each person involved in the Physician Assistant Studies program.

Emily Breymaier on a Medical Mission to Haiti