Course offerings listed below may vary from year to year based on course availability. For the most up-to-date courses, course requirements and descriptions, always refer to the current University Catalog. View the current Catalog here.

CORE 179 - CORE: What Does it Mean to be Human?
3 Credits
This is the first of three interdisciplinary courses that, together with the fourth-year capstone course in the major, comprise ODU’s core seminars. All sections of this seminar will address the question, ‘What does it mean to be human?’ through the study of humans as embodied, social, spiritual, emotional, rational beings. 

While each section listed below will approach that question from a unique perspective, all sections share common learning outcomes and a common text or texts. CORE 179 stresses the importance of a liberal arts education and seeking knowledge while helping students develop and refine the skills needed to succeed in college. Students are encouraged to take this course the fall semester of their first year.

This course is reserved for first-time freshmen only and transfer students with 17 or fewer transfer semester Credits. Pre- or co-requisite: ENG 101 or ENG 110.

CORE 279 - CORE: What is the Common Good?
3 Credits
This is the second of three interdisciplinary courses that, together with the fourth-year capstone course in the major, comprise ODU’s core seminars. All sections of this seminar listed below will extend the discussion of human nature in CORE 179 to address the question, ‘What is the Common Good?’ Students will examine the role of individuals belonging to multiple and increasingly diverse communities. Students will have the opportunity to translate knowledge into action through a community service component.

While each section will approach the question of the seminar from a unique perspective, all sections share common learning outcomes and a common text or texts. 

Prerequisite: CORE 179 or appropriate transfer status. Pre- or Co-requisite: ENG 102 or ENG 111.

ENG 110 - College Writing I
3 Credits
This course emphasizes the strategies students need for writing and thinking across the curriculum. By practicing writing strategies such as argumentation, researched writing (or writing with sources), summary, analysis, comparison and contrast, definition, students will build the skills needed to succeed as college writers.

Each section will focus on a specific theme. Themes from previous classes have included the following: American identity, family, love, the politics of food, Native American culture, and biography. 

This course does not fulfill the literature requirement for the Core. Not open to students with Credit for ENG 101.

THL 106 - The Old Testament
3 Credits
A study of the historical, prophetic, and sapiential texts in the Old Testament according to their historical, literary, and theological contexts. 

Not open to students with Credit for THL 105.

THL 107 - The New Testament
3 Credits
A study of the various texts of the New Testament according to their historical, literary, and theological contexts. 

Not open to students with Credit for THL 105.

THL 204 - Epistles of Paul
3 Credits
A study of the life of St. Paul and the theological content of his teaching. 

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225.

THL 207 - The Pentateuch -
3 Credits
An overview of the first five books of the Bible, with attention to literary genres and theological content. 

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225. Not open to students with Credit for THL 103.

THL 208 - The Prophets of Ancient Israel
3 Credits
An overview of the prophets of Ancient Israel and their times, with attention to selected texts. 

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225. Not open to students with Credit for THL 104.

THL 209 - Intertestamental Literature
3 Credits
An overview of the historical setting, 200 B.C.-A.D. 110, and readings from selected texts that provide literary and theological background to the New Testament. 

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225. Not open to students with Credit for THL 108.

THL 212 - The Psalms & Job
3 Credits
A study of the literary character and theological themes in the Book of Psalms and the Book of Job. 

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225.

THL 225 - Introduction to Christian Theology
3 Credits
This course introduces students to the academic discipline of Theology. In addition to providing an overview of Christian teachings from a Roman Catholic perspective, it engages students in the processes of theological reflection, discourse, and research. 

Not open to students with Credit in THL 113.

THL 233 - The Holy Spirit: Gift of God
3 Credits
A study of the Holy Spirit as presented in Scripture and in theological writings of the past and present. Special attention is given to the theology of grace.

THL 234 - Jesus: Revelation of God
3 Credits
A study of the person of Christ as presented in Scripture and in theological writings of the past and present. Special attention is given to the theology of salvation. 

Prerequisite: One prior theology course or consent of instructor.

THL 239 - Theology of Death & Eternal Life
3 Credits
A study of the mysteries of human suffering, death, purgatory, hell, and heaven from the perspective of the Roman Catholic tradition. The course reflects on insights of Scripture and theological writings of past and present.

THL 240 - History of Christianity: The First Millennium
3 Credits
A study of important persons and events in the life of the Church from its beginnings to the end of the first millennium. 

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225.

THL 241 - History of Christianity: The Second Millennium
3 Credits
A study of important persons and events in the life of the Church during the past 1000 years. 

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225.

THL 245 - The Church
3 Credits
A study of the mystery of the nature and life of the Church by means of careful readings of official teachings of the Catholic Church and reflections by Catholic Theologians. 

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225.

THL 246 - Thomas Aquinas
3 Credits
A study of Thomas Aquinas’ theological synthesis and its contribution to the western Christian theological tradition. 

THL 248 - Early Christian Writings
3 Credits
A study of the significant personalities and writings of the early Church with reference to their historical context and contemporary implications

THL 279A - CORE: Catholic Church in the World
3 Credits
This course discusses and analyzes three trends that characterize the Catholic Church since the Second Vatican Council: Evangelization, Ecumenism, and Inter-religious Dialogue. The course includes meetings with representatives of organs of the Catholic Church and Catholics of different cultures and language groups living in the Columbus area; members of Christian churches and communities in dialogue with the Catholic Church who live in Columbus; and representatives of non-Christian religions living in Columbus. 

Prerequisites: CORE 179 or appropriate transfer status and ENG 102 or ENG 111.

THL 303 - The Gospels
3 Credits
A study of the sources and formation of the Gospel tradition: form criticism, distinctive literary structures, and theologies of the four Gospels.

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225. Not open to students with Credit for THL 203.

THL 305 - Hebrews & Revelation
3 Credits
A study of the “Letter to the Hebrews” and the Book of Revelation with special attention to the strategies of early Christians to respond to the challenge facing Jewish-Christians and Gentile-Christians living in the Roman Empire. 

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225.

THL 311 - Ministry in the Church
3 Credits
This course will examine the historical evolution and the theological foundation for the many forms of ministry and service that have existed in the Catholic Church. 

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225.

THL 312 - Principles of Campus & Youth Ministry
3 Credits
Students will explore strategies for implementing a dynamic ministry with youth that incorporates developmentally appropriate programming, an understanding of family systems and family life, and collaborative networking of resources with the wider community. 

Prerequisites: PSY 220 and nine Credits in theology including one of the following: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225.

THL 315 - Introduction to Spirituality
3 Credits
A study of the characteristics and forms of spirituality with emphasis on the Christian experience. 

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225. Not open to students with Credit for THL 115.

THL 320 - Grace & Freedom
3 Credits
A study of the human encounter with God in terms of human freedom and the gift of grace. The course addresses the difference that the Christian faith makes in the understanding of the human condition; it serves as a summative experience in the study of theology and invites the student to contemplate the graciousness of Truth. 

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225. Not open to students with Credit in THL 348A or THL 477.

THL 325 - Feminist Liberation Theologies
3 Credits
An exploration of the central themes of Catholic Christian theology from the perspective of the global community of women. The course will delve into Latina, Womanist, Asian, and Post-Colonial, as well as North American/European understandings of the Bible, God, Christ, the Church, and Christian experience. 

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225. 

THL 335 - Christian Morality
3 Credits
A consideration of the sources of the Christian moral life: scripture, theological reflection, law, and conscience. Application of basic principles to selected contemporary moral problems. 

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225. 

THL/HST 342 - History of Christianity in the United States
3 Credits
A historical overview of the religious life, institutions, and thoughts of Americans from colonial times to the present with a special emphasis on the Catholic Church in the United States. 

This course fulfills the diversity, global, and multicultural requirement. To be taken for theology Credit, one of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225. 

THL 343 - World Religions
3 Credits
An overview of the major religions of the world, their history, and their oral traditions and written scriptures. The course includes the perspective of the Catholic Church on inter-religious dialogue. 

THL 345 - Vatican Council II
3 Credits
This course will examine the context and documents of the Second Vatican Council from a theo-historical perspective. It will allow for an expanded perspective of the Roman Catholic Church’s self-understanding which forms the basis for doctrinal matters in which the Church in the 21st century is called to engage the world in the 21st century. This perspective provides a window into the trajectory of the Catholic Church as a dynamic reality that engages with the world from the position of faith. 

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225.

THL 347 - Principles of Religious Education
3 Credits
This course will explore the theoretical, historical and practical aspects of the ministry of Religious Education. 

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225. 

THL 379A - CORE: Theology of Justice & Mercy
3 Credits
This course is an investigation of the meaning and relationship of justice and mercy in the Christian tradition, with an emphasis on the social justice teachings of the Catholic Church. 

Prerequisite: CORE 179 or appropriate transfer status; ENG 102 or ENG 111. Not open to students with Credit in THL 238. The course partially fulfills the Theology requirement.

THL 380 - The Sacraments of the Catholic Church
3 Credits
A study of the sacraments of the Catholic Church, with special emphasis on their evolution over the life of the Church. Not open to students with Credit for THL 230 or 236. 

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225. 

THL 479 - CORE: Senior Capstone: Readings in Theology
3 Credits
This is a capstone course for the major which also represents the culmination of Ohio Dominican University’s core seminars. The seminar will extend the discussion of self, common good, and justice to address the question, ‘What have we learned?’ in the context of the major. This course serves as a synthetic overview of the Theology Major Program. 

Themes and readings, selected by the instructor, will include both the fundamental texts of the Tradition of Catholic Theology and provocative books and essays that suggest new directions for the future.

Prerequisites: Completion of the junior core seminar and discipline specific prerequisites.

THL 1/2/3/485 - Special Topics
1-3 Credits
Topics of special interest in theology. 

Prerequisite: One of the following courses: THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225. 

THL 2/3/486 - Independent Study
1-3 Credits
A tutorial program in which the student does research in a specific area of theology.

Prerequisites: Two prior theology courses, with one of them being THL 106, THL 107, or THL 225; consent of instructor, academic advisor, division chairperson.