Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Course & Degree Requirements

The major in Business Administration is designed to provide students a breadth of business knowledge in a wide variety of functional business areas.

Degrees offered:

  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
  • Minor in Business Administration

See also:

ODU's Business Administration curriculum provides a core set of courses covering virtually all functional areas of business. Additionally, the curriculum helps students develop critical workplace and life skills in the areas of critical thinking, presentation, writing, team, technology, and interpersonal communication. 

Finally, when integrated with the Ohio Dominican University liberal arts core curriculum, students develop a greater sensitivity to the possibilities and limitations of the human condition and refine their capacity to make informed and ethical decisions.

In addition to a broad general business and liberal arts education, students will further select one of the following options: 

  • An Emphasis in Management: A variety of recommended course sequence options within the 9 credit hour Management Emphasis allows students to further tailor their curriculum to meet their individual career interests and needs. Course sequences in Human Resource Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Non-Profit Management are available under the Management Emphasis. Course sequence information is available through all business faculty and academic advisors. Students are not permitted to complete both the minor in management and the business administration major with an emphasis in management; they must choose one or the other.
  • An Emphasis in Marketing: The Marketing Emphasis allows students to select 9 credit hours from a variety of marketing courses depending on their individual interests and personal career aspirations. Students are not permitted to complete both the minor in marketing and the business administration major with an emphasis in marketing; they must choose one or the other.
  • An emphasis in Supply Chain Management: This emphasis is for students with strong career interest in the logistics industry. Students may select from a set of supply chain management and logistics courses. An opportunity for a practicum with a logistics firm exists for students who have met certain requirements. Students are not permitted to complete both the minor in supply chain management and the business administration major with an emphasis in supply chain management; they must choose one or the other.
  • 4+1 MBA: Students with strong academic performance may, instead of an emphasis, apply for admission to the 4+1 MBA Program through ODU's Graduate Programs. Students accepted into the program will work toward completing both their undergraduate degree in Business Administration as well as an MBA in a total of five academic years. 


Download Program Guide

Includes a program overview, sample semester plan and program course requirements.